Last month, I persuaded five customers who wanted to be Little Red Book to leave. Can the dealer do it? Can Jingdong do it? Is ROI guaranteed?

Since the independent business of Little Red Book, customers have asked how to operate on behalf of others and how to launch talent. In the actual communication and exchange, it is found that some customers are not suitable for launching Little Red Book, and it is good for both parties to persuade them to quit properly. I will sort out these customers one by one, hoping to help you.

Do it independently Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong After the business, customers successively asked how to represent operate How to launch talent. In the actual communication and exchange, we found that some customers are not suitable for launching in Little Red Book. It is good for both parties to persuade them to quit properly. Now I will sort out the information of these customers one by one, hoping to help you.
1、 The dealer makes a small red book
The customer acted as an agent for a customer's toothpaste. Tmall had a store and wanted to plant grass in Xiaohongshu to drain it to Tmall. After careful communication, it was found that it had no enterprise number in Xiaohongshu; Second, there is no Xiaohongshu Mall, which is more important. As an agent, the most problematic products are not unique. Brands and other agent stores are also selling. This leads to that even if Xiaohongshu plants grass successfully, it can only make wedding clothes for brands and other dealers. Therefore, it is not recommended to launch small red books Taobao Operation

Suggestion: Dealers should first ensure that the products are exclusive, so that Tmall will have the opportunity to transform when planting grass in Little Red Book. Even if it is not exclusive, it should also do so. When users read the popular articles and search for keywords, your shop can rank first, otherwise, planting grass in Little Red Book is really doing charity.
2、 Think about it before you do it ROI conversion
A domestic customer wants to receive an order from Xiaohongshu. When my sister came here, she asked me how much I spent, how many orders I could bring, and how many fans I could add. I immediately put it down. Remember that sales promises are either genius or swindlers, most of whom are not genius. Note traffic is basically a metaphysical concept. Content that is popular on other platforms may not be popular on Xiaohongshu. Even if two similar content posted on Xiaohongshu, there will be a world of difference, and a certain space for trial and error is needed in the early stage.

Suggestion: As a grass planting platform, Xiaohongshu should understand the rules of the platform for customers who are pursuing ROI in the early stage, see what's hot in the industry, disassemble the benchmarking situation, do a good job in content planning, and think about how to transform the sales volume after taking 1-2 months to precipitate the content.  

3、 Industries discouraged by the platform
Customers are mainly engaged in women's nourishing, which inevitably involves efficacy words, such as tonifying qi and blood, nourishing yin and qi, and other TCM terms. Although the theory of TCM is correct, it is not supported in the Little Red Book, and there is no scientific basis for these. Therefore, it is difficult for you to do it in a large scale. Even if it is widely advertised, you will face failure in the review, and if you are a little careless, you will face being restricted The risk of sealing.
Suggestion: For such businesses, they should first operate in small batches with multiple matrix numbers to form SOP steps for number maintenance, drainage and transformation. Multiple accounts should be used in large quantities to make a fortune. As for advertising, they should not consider it for the time being.  

4、 The main battlefield is in Jingdong
The main battlefield is in Jingdong. We want to plant grass to lead to Jingdong through Xiaohongshu. To be honest, it is really difficult, because Xiaohongshu users' decision-making path is to search Taobao after reading notes, and Taobao also extends various symbols. Users can understand it at a glance, which is reducing the cost of users' jumping.
On the contrary, if users go to JD to buy, first of all, there is no way to appear in large quantities in the text. Even if the words "JD" are printed in the comment area, there will be restrictions. If the expression "repair" is printed, there will also be some problems in users' understanding. At the same time, there will also be problems because there is no JD APP, there are fewer conversion links, and the cost of skipping is high.  

Suggestion: Customers attracted to JD should follow the path of users' purchase decisions, increase Tmall stores, and also open stores in the station for multi-channel layout transformation.
5、 Cross border e-commerce customers
Customers are mainly engaged in cross-border e-commerce. Due to various reasons, they can't open a store on Taobao, so they want to open a store in Xiaohongshu Mall. By putting it on the site, they have high expectations for the ROI of the site, which is not in line with users' buying habits!
Again, the transformation inside the station is more auxiliary, and there is no platform traffic outside the station, Marketing It is difficult to support activities. You must drive outside the station as the main force to undertake. What kind of bike do you want without support outside the station!
Summary: In Xiaohongshu marketing, first of all, we should understand that the essence of the platform is grass planting&decision-making platform, so that users can learn more about your products and purchase your products after reading the notes, and intercept users' purchase decision-making needs when purchasing;
Secondly, the platform also has rules. If the industry that does not allow diversion and support is not allowed, as a platform participant business, it should also comply with the rules of the platform to operate small red books;
Finally, we should respect users and layout sales channels according to their decisions and search habits. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to play with Little Red Books. If you want to know more about the operation of Little Red Book, you can continue to pay attention to river chat marketing.

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