Baishi Interaction | Before wandering the private Jianghu, check this weapon use script

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Baishi Interactive tells everyone: do Private domain Community is an indispensable tool. Some people even think that to be a private domain is to be a community.

Community is really important. If the private domain is the Wulin Jianghu, then the community is the golden bell covered with iron cloth to help you keep your blood. Once the community is stable, there will be a basic platform for fighting in private Jianghu.

Today, let's talk about group positioning. It is the starting action of community and the mental formula for practicing "Body Protection Skill". In fact, it is easy to attract groups. It is easier to advertise in groups. The difficulty is to make groups continuously generate value, keep members active, and even help you spread and transform.

Everyone wants to do a good job in the community, but we don't know where to start and how to prepare. Our suggestions are: Don't rush to do the easiest part, but do group positioning first Analyze whether your project is suitable for being a community, and if so, what kind of community should be built, and then plan the group rhythm and activities in combination with the current stage of the project. Otherwise, just after a period of time, you will find that the stamina is insufficient, or the resources are wasted, so reducing the score of the brand is counterproductive.

This year, we did a live broadcast on group positioning. This article summarized the main points of the live broadcast. Starting from the community classification, it taught you how to choose the type of community that suits you, opened the weapons library, and disassembled the different operate The characteristics and functions of the action allow you to select the most suitable weapon. After reading this article, I believe you must shake your hands and want to try your hand.

What basic skills should be practiced to build a community?

1、 Understand community classification

There are many types of communities on the market. We have sorted out 9 categories in total, but three types of "hard demand groups" are commonly used.

 Baishi Interaction | Before wandering the private Jianghu, check this weapon use script

First, it is a long-term transformational community. It is a multi-functional complex that operates for 365 days. It needs to design columnar content and activities, which are suitable for categories with frequent new listings, more SKUs and higher repurchase rates.

The second is a short-term transformational community, also known as "flash group". It usually has a life of no more than 10 days. It usually builds a group around a single product or activity. After the activity is over, it will be dissolved after the next point is buried. Of course, customers should save it on your enterprise WeChat so that a new group can be created next time you launch a new one or promote a new one.

The third is the short-term task oriented community, which is the adhesive of user relations. It is mainly used to promote user loyalty, such as health care clocking, cooking and PK, so that you can not only establish business relations with users in the private domain, but also communicate, interact and even play games with them.

2、 Choose the right community

Before starting to work, we must first combine the specific situation of the project, especially the frequency of product launch/re purchase, to "see, hear and ask" ourselves and select the most suitable community type.

If you can get a new job every day, or customers are likely to buy it every day, it belongs to the "God rewards food" High frequency category, suitable for long-term transformation community typical case It is Ruixing coffee. The frequency of re purchase of coffee is very high. People who like coffee drink it at least 2-3 times a week, or even every day, which has inherent advantages.

If your update/repurchase interval exceeds one month, it belongs to Low frequency category You can choose between long-term transformational community and short-term group How to choose? Look at the team's ability.

If your team has strong planning and execution ability in terms of content or user interaction, it can challenge the long-term transformational community. On the contrary, short-term transformational community and short-term task oriented community can be used to achieve the goal. The difficulty of these two groups is relatively low, Time can be used to exchange space. Through continuous short-term group operation experience, the team can gradually develop its community operation ability, and then challenge the long-term group

3、 Design operation action

After the establishment of the group, it is necessary to fill the group with "flesh and blood", which is inseparable from operational activities and content.

There are many operational activities, which can be roughly divided into transformation and activity. The common transformation activities include updating, second killing, group connection, group competition, time limited special offers, etc. The active activities include printing lists, contests with prizes, wandering PK, task clocking, price reduction auction, 0 yuan lottery, second killing, etc.

Here is a special note: Time limit and quantity limit must be set for active activities with transformation nature, such as second killing, price reduction auction, etc. The purpose of this kind of activity is to be active rather than sales transformation. If you do not control the quantity, people will think that your products are worth so much money, but no one will buy them when you return to the normal price.

The rich and colorful operation activities can be divided into two categories: transformation and activity, but there is only one category, namely grass planting. Good content has a strong leading role, which can establish and cultivate consumers' cognition and habits, so that brands can gradually master more discourse power.

common The content includes tutorial and knowledge How to better implement it can also be analyzed from the perspective of team capability. If the team's content ability is strong, PGC (Professional Generated Content) can be considered, that is, the content produced by professionals. In the private domain, the brand mainly produces its own content, which can make potential energy and shape professionalism; If the team has strong operational ability, UGC (User Generated Content) can be used, that is, user produced content. Although it is not professional, it is better than real and rich, which can promote user activity and trigger social communication fission.

Both operational activities and content need Column oriented and regular operation That is to say, to give fixed names to activities and contents, to prepare publicity materials in advance, and to go online at fixed time. On the one hand, this can enable users to form the awareness and habit of participating at fixed time, on the other hand, it can also reduce the difficulty of team operation of community.

Disassembly of community operations and weapons review

1、 Shangxin Sales

That is, new product introduction, new preferential policies, etc., suitable for all categories.

Among them, the high-frequency category can be said to be the "son of God". As long as you regularly issue coupons in the group in the morning, noon and evening, and plant new grass to stimulate, the community content will be very rich, and it is easy to attract users to place orders. At the same time, users do not think that these messages are interruptions, but rather a convenient service. Just like Ruixing Coffee, if we can find coupons in the group every time we want to drink coffee, we will definitely feel "no loss in equity".

But if you are not a high-frequency category, don't always issue coupons, because for customers, first, they will feel disturbed, second, they will feel that your brand is not worth money and can only be sold at a discount, which will undoubtedly have a counter effect.

2、 Special clearance

Suitable for long-term transformation group of high-frequency category.

Some products newly launched/repurchased at high frequency also suffer from high losses, such as vegetables, bread, etc., which cannot be stayed overnight. After 7 or 8 p.m., they will be sold out and lose their hands. These categories can be set up as a fixed column of "special offers for goods clearing". Activities will be held from 5:00 to 8:00 every night. Every hour, the promotion will be more intensive, and even delivered directly at the end. One is to clear the inventory, and the other is to improve customer stickiness.

3、 Drying sheet

Suitable for all kinds of communities, it can not only promote old customers, but also plant grass for new customers.

When you sell a product, you can output various content in front of, middle of, and later stages of the product, and 360 degrees of coverage without dead corners, so the probability of success is high. Community is a closed field, and it is easy to form "follow the trend". It's a standard action for us to sell melons and boast in the group. In addition, if there are 2-3 people who also say that the product is good, and combined with the real experience, it will affect other potential customers in the group, which is easy to form a transformation.

4、 Product experience

It is suitable for medium and low frequency categories. The specific number of experience places can be determined according to your budget and the number of community members. For example, there is at least one place in a group.

If your users are active, but your operation ability is strong but your copywriting ability is weak, you might as well let User experience This new product generates UGC. After users sign up and pass the selection, they can experience new products for free, but they need to output their feelings of use as required, including text, pictures and videos, to help grow grass in the group. Compared with our active promotion, users are generally more willing to trust the recommendations of people around them. The word of mouth communication brought by pre-sales experience can achieve deep grass planting.

5、 Tutorial/knowledge content

We advocate "saving money on a daily basis and withdrawing money at a node". We can regard the content of doing as "saving money", and then "money" is desirable for subsequent sales.

For example, if you want to sell new mutton on Wednesday, you should output the content rhythmically from last week to Tuesday to warm up. For example, on Monday, we reviewed the selection story of mutton, compared the samples sent by several suppliers horizontally, introduced the cooking method of mutton on Tuesday, and broadcast different dishes with mutton samples.

Here is a reminder that people should not do content for the purpose of doing content, and content should be closely around products and activities. let me put it another way, The starting point and purpose of the content must be to help sales, otherwise the time and cost invested in the early stage will be wasted, and the content will be meaningless

6、 KOC

It is optional for high frequency category and mandatory for medium and low frequency category.

Pay more attention to users who like to share, are highly active, have high recognition of your brand, and have a certain understanding of your category, Combine your brand resources and their needs, and equip incentive policies: first, daily care and communication, which belongs to the spiritual and emotional level; Second, supporting welfare policies, such as the establishment of points, rights and interests and other member systems; The third is scarce opportunities, such as offline product evaluation meeting, product experience quota, etc.

KOC has a space to contribute to the design of our sheets, experiences and various kinds of content. Mining and cultivating KOC can make our planned activities and content more abundant and three-dimensional.


Today, Baishi Interactive introduced the types of communities applicable to the categories with different launch/repurchase frequencies, as well as the operation activities and contents behind them.

There are three key points:

1、 When analyzing outstanding private sector projects and cases in the market, we should not only analyze how to do each step of disassembly, but also analyze what factors constitute the operation method and what kind of model it is suitable for, If you change to another project, which factors may change. These factors that will change are "variables". They are what we need to focus on when we learn from them. We must make corresponding adjustments according to our own project conditions, otherwise the effect will be discounted. This way of thinking can be applied not only to the community, but also to other operations;

2、 When selecting different operation actions, pay attention to the "combination boxing". Let users open the group and see different information every day, which points in the same direction - teach them how to select products with better quality and higher cost performance, then when the products are officially sold, the atmosphere in the group will reach the peak, which will help people to place orders more intensively;

3、 Don't worry if you don't have the ability to operate a long-term group for the time being. Start with short-term groups, Don't be afraid of being slow, turn back less, and don't take the wrong way or detour means moving in the right direction. If something goes wrong, it will hurt the brand, and there is no way to turn back.

In short, The key to private domain operation is to continuously iterate the connection and relationship between you and users In our opinion, users not only connect with you when they buy things, but also connect with you every time they open your community, participate in group activities, speak in the group or post a list.

The more you connect with each other, the more time users spend here, and the greater the probability of their conversion. Therefore, when we establish and deepen user relationships in the private domain, we should not use a single means or utilitarianism, such as only selling goods and then investing. Instead, we should invest first, spend time, energy and even budget to build relationships with customers, and then talk about transformation.


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