Baishi Interactive Credit System and Private Domain Planning

If the customer doesn't feel that he has spent a lot of money, he will be wronged.

integral The system has a long history. Together with the membership system, it belongs to the "Loyalty Program". Its mature predecessor can be traced back to the "Frequent Flyer Program" launched by the American aviation industry in the 1980s. Passengers can exchange free tickets, goods and services by accumulating flight miles.

Some people may ask: the services launched in the last century can still adapt to the current Private domain Marketing Needs? Is it out of date and useless?

Don't worry about that, The core of service will not change greatly no matter how the touch points change, because human nature has not changed

In essence, The credit system is actually a reward system for consumer behavior Through ingenious design, brands can set different tasks in combination with their own goals and needs, and guide consumers to invest time in performing specified actions (interaction, consumption, etc.) through different points and rewards, so as to enhance consumers' awareness and understanding of the brand, increase their sunk costs of leaving, and thus enhance consumers' stickiness and loyalty.

You can think of it as a novice map in online games. Players need to complete all kinds of designated tasks to graduate from the novice village. Each task brings different experience values. To get more experience values, you have to study the rules and upgrade to beat the monster according to the requirements of the platform.

So what should we pay attention to when designing the integral system? How to improve the integral input-output ratio? How to evaluate points operate The effect of? How much is the point budget appropriate? Without much to say, Baishi Interactive will tell you to learn at once!

New generation integral system

We summarized the comparison between the old and new integral systems:

 Baishi Interactive Credit System and Private Domain Planning The picture is from Baishi Interactive Member Rights - the 48th episode of the live class "Point System and Private Domain Operation"

The main difference is that, The acquisition of new generation points draws consumers from the perspective of consumption and activity, rather than a single consumption dimension In other words, in addition to purchasing products, consumers can also get points by participating in various interactive activities, In contrast, it pays more attention to connection rather than transformation, which helps to enhance viscosity

At the same time, The consumption of points has expanded from the original exchange and lottery to coupons, peripherals, products, activities, services and other aspects, with more means of giving back to consumers and more attractive

A little abstract? Take a look case Digest:

 Baishi Interactive Credit System and Private Domain Planning The picture is from Baishi Interactive Member Rights - the 48th episode of the live class "Point System and Private Domain Operation"

In the case, the way to obtain points is the task that the brand hopes to guide consumers to do. Among them, "consumption and grade upgrading" is to obtain points directly from consumption, and the rest are to obtain points from activity.

The experience officer is a classic private domain activity of the brand side, which is very important. Therefore, 200 points will be awarded when signing up. "Participating in the circle of friends/community interaction" is also a daily activity of private domain active customers. Each interaction can get 10 points. According to the consumption of 1 yuan, 1 point will be obtained. This daily interaction is equivalent to spending 10 yuan.

Although this case captures the essence of the new generation of integral system, it cannot be copied, because the operation focus of each category and different development stages is different, so it must be designed according to its own actual situation.

Four key points for improving the integral input-output ratio

Points have costs, and there is no turning back. As long as you get on the horse, there will be costs every moment - which is why many brands have been unable to make up their minds to do points.

In fact, the cost is not terrible, but the fear is that the money spent is not effective, so how can we improve the input-output ratio of the point system? Four key points for your reference.

1. Points exchange value is related to grade member points

When designing the starting value of redeeming points, please remember to check the average points of members at all levels.

For example, your members have five levels, and the average of the first level members is 80 points, and the average of the second to fifth level members is 200 points, 500 points, 800 points, 1500 points, which is the basic plate of the existing members' points.

Next, you need to associate the redemption point position with the average number of points of members at all levels.

What is the main purpose of your point exchange activities at the current stage or in the coming year, focusing on maintaining a certain level of members? Or do you want to activate members at all levels?

If it is the former, the threshold of points exchange should match the average points of members of the corresponding level, and the exchange resources should be tilted towards them to exclude others. For example, if you want to give back as much as possible to members above Level 4, the threshold for redemption can be set to more than 800 points.

If it is the latter, the point exchange threshold should be equal to or less than the average points of the first level members (in the previous example, this value is 80 points), and then design your point exchange activities. The key is to let most people reach your exchange threshold, and try to increase a connection opportunity with all members.

In a word, the setting of points exchange points should be based on evidence. It must not be a slap on the head that I will set 200 points to exchange. It turns out that most members only have 50 points, so the system is completely empty and meaningless.

 Baishi Interactive Credit System and Private Domain Planning The picture is from Baishi Interactive Talk to Members' Rights - the 48th episode of the live class "Point System and Private Domain Operation"

Let's take a look at the example of Hua Xizi, whose minimum threshold for exchanging points is 100 points. What concept? The unit price of Huaxi Zike is between 100 yuan and 150 yuan, which means that you can get enough points to participate in the exchange gift activity as long as you buy a product at will.

 Baishi Interactive Credit System and Private Domain Planning

What's the use of this design? The significance lies in that the brand and customers quickly establish two connections. Buying products is a connection, participating in point exchange is another connection, and short-term connection is two times, which can make customers more impressed with the brand.

The opposite case is Yaduo Hotel, whose minimum minimum product is a coupon of 10 yuan, worth 500 points. The unit price of Yaduoke is about 300 yuan, so you have to stay twice to exchange the 10 yuan coupon. This "discount" seems insincere.

 Baishi Interactive Credit System and Private Domain Planning

2. Diversified points exchange products

The convertible products of the old generation's point system are particularly single, either lottery, coupon or products on sale, which are lack of surprises and also waste a good opportunity to influence consumers.

The exchange ratio is also completely equal. It is a pity that we did not use the design of small amount of points to win the treasure, and lost the opportunity to create more social relations and exchanges between the brand and users.

How can we break the game? It's very simple, making your exchange content more diversified.

To be specific, low level members buy less, are less active, have less interaction with the brand, and have less relationship with the brand. You can design more practical exchange content, covering 80% of the people and 80% of the needs.

High level members are usually more active, transformed and willing to know your brand, so you can take advantage of the situation to provide them with more rare and cultural exchange opportunities.

In short, it is necessary to use points as a link to enhance the social relationship between the brand and customers, not just to strengthen the trading relationship.

3. Points are associated with member festivals

Many brands complain that in order to do points, we haven't spent less money and energy, but the customer doesn't feel that. What can we do?

It is better to stack and link the festival "Member Day/Member Month" created by point exchange and private domain to achieve the effect of "1+1>2" and enhance user perception more efficiently.

First of all, it can be designed to give more than daily points for consumption and interaction during the member festival, such as 1.5 times or even 3 times and 5 times, and then focus the point exchange activities on the member festival, so as to maximize the potential of the member day/month and let customers fully perceive your sincerity.

 Baishi Interactive Credit System and Private Domain Planning The picture is from Baishi Interactive Member Rights - the 48th episode of the live class "Point System and Private Domain Operation"

That's what Hua Xizi did. Every December is Huaxizi's member month "Petal Festival" and the largest fan feedback activity of the year. Its core is the annual member points exchange activity.

In this large-scale point exchange activity, Huaxizi firmly captured the attention of members by taking all kinds of points operation actions, such as ultra-low threshold, super rich exchange positions/methods/contents, super long exchange time (one month), super strong exchange promotion (SMS, official account, etc.), etc. For members, the points of that year will expire if they don't redeem them. The annual event can not only exchange rich products, but also has a low threshold, which is equivalent to getting a gift for nothing.

 Baishi Interactive Credit System and Private Domain Planning
 Baishi Interactive Credit System and Private Domain Planning

For brands, this activity can bring back lost and silent customers at a lower cost, make a high-quality connection and interaction, and lay the foundation for creating more possibilities between each other next year. It is very valuable for increasing customer assets.

4. Exchange conversion should strengthen value and non equivalence

How can the "exchange rate" of the customer's consumption amount and the points obtained, as well as the "exchange rate" of the point value and the cost price of the exchange content be set scientifically?

The key is to weaken the exchange price, strengthen the value, weaken the equal ratio and strengthen the non equal ratio.

In the final analysis, don't guide customers in accounting. Once customers enter the rational accounting mode, they will ignore the friendship between you, which is not conducive to establishing long-term and in-depth communication and interaction.

How to do it specifically? We need to find ways to add grass planting experience and exchange content with brand culture/social attributes or diminishing marginal costs, so that customers can not easily guess the price, but also provide different feelings, so that we can get twice the result with half the effort.

Score operation evaluation indicators and budget

So much has been said about the construction of points. How to evaluate the operation performance of points? There are three important indicators:

  1. Utilization rate of member points at all levels : Whether the points are attractive depends on whether they are used. If no one can redeem points, you should reflect on your own exchange activities;
  2. Percentage of members at all levels participating in point redemption activities : It can measure the attractiveness of a single exchange activity. The participation ratio of members of different levels may not be consistent, and it can also reverse deduce the activities suitable for different types of members;
  3. Increase ratio of members at all levels after participating in point exchange activities : The higher the membership level, the greater the value; The higher the proportion of high-level members, the richer your client's assets will be. Therefore, increasing their number is the biggest goal of member operation.

Now that the indicators are available, let's see how the budget is formulated.

In the process of our actual service to customers, we found that the common problem is to budget from the point exchange rate, that is, how many points can be obtained for consumption of 1 yuan, how many points can be obtained for interaction, and how much a point is equal to. In this way, it is easy to overestimate the core of the calculation.

The recommended approach is to start from the annual budget and set the feedback ratio of members and points according to the budget. For example, the annual budget is 50 million, the feedback budget of members is 8%, and the feedback budget of points is 4%. On the basis of the budget, specific rules are designed according to the membership system and the point system.


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