How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

It breaks through the old and new problems and re purchase problems in the dental industry, and has a more replicable model.

The first two issues of Baishi interaction were shared The private sector of the oral cavity industry has broken down and Classic case: private operation of Ma Long Dental Department In this issue, we bring a More replicable case ——The private exploration of "Jicheng Children's Dentistry".

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

Extreme Orange Children's Dental Background

Jicheng Children's Dentistry was founded by "Jicheng Third Uncle" Talgai, Gao Zhaojun and Yun Xiaofei in Tianjin at the beginning of 2015, and is determined to build a "de medicalized" "family dental clinic". At present, there are 13 stores in Tianjin, Shanghai and Nanjing.

Different from many adult dental clinics that hope to make higher profits with children's teeth, Jicheng focuses on children's teeth. The direct six consumers are children aged 0-14. The parents are the payers. The parents will leave because of the price, but the children will stay because of the experience.

Therefore, Jicheng has built a series of theme clinics for children, such as space, ocean, etc. The clinic has become the third space where children can play games and look at their teeth, realizing the concept of helping children look at their teeth happily.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

The paid annual card combined with prevention and control becomes the main standard product

From the perspective of products, Jicheng specializes in children's teeth, and its service categories cover fluoride coating, pit and fissure sealing, caries, orthodontics, tooth extraction, tooth washing and other links. The profit rate of children's teeth is relatively low, so it needs to increase
In the long run, we must move forward. Therefore, cultivating children's awareness of oral prevention and improving children's dental re purchase has become the most difficult point for Jicheng.

In combination with the periodic preventive characteristics of children's teeth and the goal of improving re purchase through services, Jicheng redesigned its products: standardized the package of preventive periodic items such as inspection, pit and fissure sealing, fluoride coating and tooth cleaning, and at the same time, discounted the products with relatively high profits such as caries, tooth extraction treatment and correction, forming a routine prevention, Paid membership annual card mode for treatment and correction when necessary.

Such products: for the clinic, on the one hand, it improves the customer list, on the other hand, it locks in the customer service for one year in advance; For customers, prevention first and combination of prevention and treatment is also the most effective way to keep children's teeth healthy.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry


In this way, to a certain extent, Jicheng's business model has changed from simply selling a single medical service to selling membership cards. From medical products to consumer products, it can be more diversified, active and transformative, covering a wider range of customers.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

Brand private domain players achieve new performance during the epidemic high

Recruiting, transforming and activating members operate It is naturally compatible with the private domain. It is easiest to reach members and effectively form social relations by using the private domain system, so as to achieve the purpose of effective operation.

Jicheng is indeed an early group of people who began to play private domains in the oral sector. Since 2019, it has been laid out and is also familiar with playing methods. According to the person in charge of Jicheng's operations in the media sharing, the performance of Shanghai in March June 2022 during the closure of the epidemic reached a seven-year high in June.

In the overall design of the private domain, taking into account the high viscosity of medical products, Jicheng uses enterprises and micro enterprises as a tool for direct communication with customers. It establishes a 1V1 family group for customers in its daily services to conduct therapeutic communication. When there are other member activities, it interacts with customers through flash groups or online community (such as small punch cards). After the activity, the group will be dissolved, It has solved the common problem of long-term group activity and difficulty in brand private domain.

At the same time, Jicheng has contributed to the game of exposure, first order, fission, promotion and transformation, and activity.

Communication exposure, new customer transformation and fission innovation

The test of "measuring children's appearance and scoring" has its own fission gene, and carries out brand communication and science popularization through consumers' active sharing;

99 yuan group purchase of 2515 yuan Baby Love Tooth Reward, 1 yuan purchase of 2000 yuan children's oral package low threshold high value limited time activities;

Both the old and the new are entitled to discount coupons. On Teeth loving Day, they can share their experience with their friends, get vouchers or small gifts, and recommend new friends to shop for surprise gifts at Christmas.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry


Promotion conversion

At the end of the year, the 5-year version of Zhongcheng Orange Card and Youcheng Orange Card with high cost performance ratio will be sold in limited quantities, which will not only give back to regular customers but also lock in renewal upgrades;

The sales of 2-year crystal cards on the Double 11 Festival locked in the renewal and upgrade of old customers in advance, and 50 yuan group 400 yuan Orange Treasure card voucher+sharing can also get rewards, completing the accumulation of customers of the main card Orange Treasure card;

At the opening of the new outpatient service, the group purchase price of the best selling Orange Treasure Card for three people was introduced to accumulate the first batch of new customers for the outpatient service.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry


Daily activity

The clinic prepares cakes, performances and other programs for children whose birthdays are the same month in the monthly birthday month of members. For the Jicheng clinic, which is opened in the mall, it is also a fixed activity booth, which is conducive to the spread and promotion of the brand;

Super member day prepares various experience activities for children, and there will be exclusive discounts for participating in the experience activities on the member day;

Through private festivals, children were allowed to return to the clinic to participate in activities on a fixed day every month. They formed the habit of coming to the store regularly, which was easy to generate demand. At the same time, they also used the site and activities to carry out brand communication, which is also worth learning from brands;

On Teachers' Day, we gave back to our regular customers and promoted them to return to the store by offering discounts to members of teachers' children, who are customers with a specific identity;

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

In this process, Jicheng is not self congratulating, but actively interacting with members. Through regular collection of user research feedback, we can effectively interact with users, create a brand image that is willing to listen to the voice of users, and also lay a foundation for product improvement.

They also set up an experience officer activity. During the test period of Tooth Island's tooth brushing activity, they first selected loyal customers with a five-year card to register for the experience, which is equivalent to co creating products, giving these old members a high sense of rights and privileges.

When the product is mature and put into mass production, Tooth Island's tooth brushing card punching activity will become an effective way to help children develop the habit of tooth brushing. At the same time, through this way of tooth brushing flash group, the emotional interaction and experience cognition between children and brands will be rapidly improved, and science popularization and product consumption guidance will be added at the corresponding time nodes, By helping users form good habits, it promotes the positive interaction between members and brands.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

Overall, Baishi Interaction Understanding of the industry Private domain operation In event design, Jicheng has several points worth learning from:

For the selection of fission products, try to choose some basic service items for combined packaging, such as dental examination, film taking, tooth cleaning, etc., to distinguish them from membership cards, so as not to disrupt the price system of membership cards. In the rule design, the price should be less than 100 yuan, and the value of the exchanged product should be more than 1000 yuan, forming a price difference of at least 20 times more, so that customers feel that the value is exceeded. Try to step on important festival nodes at time nodes.

The conversion promotion activities are basically carried out at the important festival nodes related to oral cavity, and the principle is not to harm the interests of regular customers, providing opportunities for regular customers to make up price differences and upgrade cards.

Among them, if it is an activity aimed at locking the renewal and upgrading of members, when it is difficult to directly renew and upgrade the original card, the more effective way is to design a limited number of membership cards at key time nodes, such as the National Day holiday, the end of the year and other nodes. The equity strength must be greater than that of regular cards. It is better to distinguish the name from regular cards, and warm up, launch When getting off the shelf, we must limit the time and quantity, and effectively promote the renewal and upgrade of members while giving the old members a sense of value-added feedback. But such activities should be moderate, 1-2 times a year at most.

For opening or anniversary activities, you can directly select the most popular or best-selling membership card to give customers the maximum annual discount benefits (the discount benefits for other activities in the year cannot exceed that date), which is also a feedback to old customers and is convenient for old customers to bring new ones.

Active activities can remind customers to visit and experience consumption regularly through periodic member days, birthday months and other private festivals, and increase interaction with members through product research and recruitment of loyal member experience officers. However, when doing such activities, try to screen accurate users according to user labels, targeted reach, and time-sharing grouping according to age group and other label differences, To achieve User experience Maximize.

Of course, there are also some slots in Jicheng's private domain planning.

Tianjin outpatient service and Shanghai outpatient service are not the same as each other. There are obvious differences in planning private activities between headquarters and local outpatient service. Relatively speaking, Tianjin outpatient service has done better in the feedback and activity of old customers, and Shanghai outpatient service is good at pulling new fission.

On the whole, the construction of private domain IP is quite casual. Tianjin uses enterprise microenterprises, and Shanghai uses personal microenterprises. There is no unified system for people, names, and push content. The push of the circle of friends is relatively casual.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

In terms of product design, the conventional cards now include large and small Orange Treasure cards, Orange Treasure cards, and Orange Treasure cards PLUS, which has caused confusion to a certain extent and has exceeded the capacity of user memory. The price of Orange Treasure Card Plus is inverted, which is not conducive to member maintenance.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

It is suggested that the headquarters can strengthen the overall planning and control of the private domain membership system and member activities in each region. The sales headquarters of new cards need to review the prices as a whole, so that there can be no confusion of the product system, so as to achieve small freedom under the big framework. At the same time, it is better not to have more than two products of the same product name, which is prone to confusion. Uniformly sort out the outpatient process, fix the IP role, and uniformly use enterprises and microenterprises to build, so as to increase the sense of temperature of the personnel.

The Old Belt and New Activity in Shanghai Outpatient Department was very rough. There was no clear theme packaging plan, so it was called Old Belt and New Activity. Although most of the activities were launched at festival nodes, they did not do enough in the festival atmosphere and theme fit. Some of the rules are very simple and crude in design, such as sending JD cards, and the production ratio of the event will be very low. It is suggested to pack some activity themes, such as feedback from old users or special honorary titles.

In the promotion conversion activity, for example, the introduction of Jicheng Card was originally a very good way to give back to regular customers, and the name of the membership card was also very top, but later, the car did not stop, and the news of price increase was released, which hurt the trust of some regular customers. It is suggested that the promotion activities for feedback to old users should be limited in time and quantity, moderate and do what you say.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (II) - The private exploration of Jicheng Children's Dentistry

Case summary

On the whole, whether it is Ma Long or Ji Orange, in order to break through the problems of re purchase of oral products, old products and new ones, we must first redesign and define the product form and business model.

Ma Long has chosen to expand the category, using higher frequency and lower price oral care products and the sales of daily necessities around the target consumer groups to drive offline diagnosis and treatment consumption. In the aspect of offline diagnosis and treatment, the standardized package/plan is mainly used to promote sales, which is also a major innovation.

Because of the special category of children's teeth, Jicheng selected prevention in children's teeth as the main category, standardized packaging and sales of children's teeth prevention services in the form of paid membership cards, and sold oral services in the form of selling membership cards, successfully changing the category.

In terms of replicability, not all brands can play with Malong Dental's method. It needs the brand to have certain strength, enrich the categories of the mall, and have high requirements for the staff of the mall and the member operation team.

The method of Jicheng is relatively operable. The categories with relatively high frequency periodicity in the clinic are selected as the regular items of the paid annual card, and the items with higher profits are selected as the discount items. It is still a feasible solution for large and small clinics to implant ideas in the minds of users through popular science education, and then package products into packages or membership cards for standardized sales.

After designing the underlying mode, it is difficult to sort out the medical treatment process, redefine the user's life cycle in the medical treatment process, and the corresponding roles and staffing of the arrival, consultant, and doctor at the business level. Outpatients need to be redefined according to the repurchase cycle of different categories, and the role planning should be carried out in combination with offline business. Direct chain stores and franchised chain stores should carry out reasonable indicators before, during and after diagnosis according to business needs.

In terms of specific promotion, transformation and active play, we should take the brand keynote as the core, the interests of old customers as the main interest orientation, and do a series of activities on the premise of giving back to old customers, which is more conducive to the long-term development of the brand.

So far, Dental industry The series of articles on private domain insight and case analysis has come to an end for the time being. I hope that the private domain operators Marketing People have some inspiration and help.

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