How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

How to design the member points system and the layout of private domain contacts of enterprises and micro enterprises.

The last article, "How can dental brand chains break through the private sector? (I)" shared the background of the dental industry and the current business problems. This issue will combine specific case ——Ma Long, Department of Dentistry, analyzes their exploration in private domain. How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

Ma Long's Dental Background

Malo Clinic was first established by Dr Malo was founded in Lisbon, Portugal in 1995. At that time, the core competence of the brand was based on the "All-on-4" planting technology invented by Ma Long in 1998. This technology successfully solved the problem of inconvenient movable dentures and fixed dentures, and helped many middle-aged and elderly people with missing teeth to restore their smiles.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

In 2012, Ma Long Dental China was first introduced into China by Chairman Shao Zongzong. In 2013, Ma Long Dental officially entered the mainland and developed rapidly. At present, there are 32 direct chain clinics, 2 denture processing centers, 1 education and training center and 1 procurement center in 13 cities across the country. There are also a series of DSO enabling clinics in various regions. Complete the D round of financing in 2018 and a new round of strategic financing in 2021.

In terms of crowd positioning, the focus is on positioning. In terms of products, "aesthetics" is the core concept, covering various categories such as implant, orthodontics, oral repair and oral surgery, whitening, tooth cleaning, and children's teeth. It has entered the ranks of top players in the dental industry with scattered patterns and numerous clinics.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

Build a member point system to solve the problem of repurchase

Ma Long is a model of "cherishing feathers" among many private oral chain brands. According to Yang Zhiyu, CEO of Malong Dentistry in China, in an interview, Malong Dentistry has implemented a unified price standard for many years. It does not use low-cost dental implants or low-cost orthodontics in the market to attract customers. For many years, it has adopted the "zero advertising strategy" and used more content in market activities Marketing Or we can attract consumers by cooperating with Sam and Cui Yutao, which are consistent with their temperament. This also puts forward high requirements for the maintenance of regular customers.

Therefore, Ma Long began to build a membership credit system as early as 2017, hoping to use the membership credit system to enhance the maintenance of users. Since 2018, Ma Long has successively launched the first version of the membership system, Life+member store and points system. The construction of Ma Long's membership points system is very unique, which solves the problem of customers' repurchase to a certain extent.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

In the play and design of the traditional membership points system, how to improve the exchange and utilization rate of points is a classic problem. There are two classic ways to exchange points in the points store. One is to exchange points plus a certain amount of cash for gifts because the merchants control the cost. The other is to exchange points directly for gifts. However, two problems often occur in the operation of these two forms.

In the first mode setting, it is easy to have an imbalance in the exchange ratio. The cash required for the desired gift is too high. In fact, the points do not help users to deduct the amount of prizes. Users are easy to lose interest. The amount of points deducted is not as cost-effective as the discount of Taobao Double 11 or JD 618.

In the second kind of point setting, it is easy to find that the benefits that low points can earn are few and insignificant, and the gifts you want often require sky high points. After the user has calculated, he or she finds that it is almost impossible to complete, and gives up.

From the articles published by Ma Long before 2018, we can see that Ma Long also basically used the second mode before, for example, wine worth ¥ 68 needs 10 points plus 158 yuan in cash to exchange. After a series of careful activity tests, Ma Long's membership points system is now in a relatively effective stage.

In the process of card opening, Ma Long did not choose the threshold free mode or the consumption as a member mode. Instead, he adopted the payment mode. To some extent, payment can be remembered by users, Membership Interests and Redemption of points The probability of forgetting will be greatly reduced. Only by paying can users be retained. Under the same conditions, Ma Long is preferred. It has strong applicability to the dental industry, an industry with high customer demand and low frequency.

But once the paid membership system is adopted, will it reduce the card opening rate and lead to the loss of old users? Ma Long was very clever in designing the membership system. The first edition only used gifts to attract consumers. He paid 199 yuan to open a card and gave away 168 yuan of Ma Long wine. Later, after a series of Matong coin activity tests, it was adjusted to pay 199 yuan to open a card and get 199 yuan as a free Matong coin (Matong coin can not only be exchanged for some oral care products in the mall at 1:1, but also can be exchanged for offline diagnosis and treatment fees). In addition, Matong wine worth 199 yuan was given as a free gift, which made users feel very valuable. With the sense of value of buying one and getting two free, paying for opening a card became very smooth and silky, Judging from the perspective of human nature, it is difficult for customers to refuse such benefits as long as they come to the clinic for consumption.

Once you pay and open the card, you will enter the second ring of Malong members. Malong coins of different amounts can be directly exchanged for shopping in the mall, and these Malong coins can be exchanged for offline diagnosis and treatment amount at 1:1, and some products can be exchanged online.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

Most of the paid card opening members are offline diagnosis and treatment customers of Ma Long, which is very attractive to these users. They are not worried about the consumption of Ma Long coins (points). At the same time, because they paid the cost to buy a membership card, they probably preferred to buy oral care products in the mall due to their loss aversion. Ma Long jumped out of the category of oral service and focused on oral care products with relatively high frequency and low price. It is really very smart to drive oral service consumption with relatively high frequency and low price in offline outpatient clinics with relatively high frequency oral care products in online shopping malls.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

Of course, the selection ability is very tested in this link. Once the shopping mall is not rich enough to meet the needs of the target consumers, or the price of the shopping mall does not meet the consumer positioning of the target consumers, the consumer experience will be affected, and the shopping mall will be empty. So in terms of product selection, Ma Long chose some brands that meet the consumption characteristics of high net worth people, such as Panasonic electric toothbrush Cibrand toothpaste, and in addition to oral care products, it has expanded more products that are conducive to the spread of brand value and consistent with the brand tone, such as household kitchenware corresponding to family consumers serving children's teeth, tea sets, wine sets and other slightly expensive luxury consumer goods that match the interests and hobbies of high net worth users.

In terms of price, the price of the same product in Malong Mall has given a very large discount compared with that of JD Tmall, giving the maximum benefit to members, which is also a benign factor to maintain the good operation of the online mall. The blind guess may be inspired by the member stores like Sam or the market opener.

Of course, many large and small clinics have also tried to build similar oral care product stores, but there are several problems overall. First, there are too few categories, and the price is no advantage. Second, the design of the membership points system has not been opened up, which is too simple and rude. So we should adopt this way operate Members, first of all, must be chain brands with a certain customer size, which have more advantages in product selection bargaining and brand cooperation. Second, it needs to set up the corresponding member points system in combination with the target consumer groups. If it is a small community dental clinic, it can use the combination of active user behavior and points more.

In this way, Ma Long not only expanded his revenue range, but also made his customers in his membership pool more active. According to Shao Zongzong, chairman of the board of directors, in public reports, Ma Long's membership has reached 150000 in 2018.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

Add member contacts and lay out private domains for enterprises and micro businesses

The member points system solves the problem of re purchase to a certain extent, serves the old members well, and can slowly drive the old to bring the new to a certain extent. But the epidemic has accelerated Ma Long's sense of urgency to solve the new problem of the old belt. In the first half of 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, the store traffic declined and the sales revenue was affected. Under the brand marketing strategy of zero advertising, Ma Long faced the problem of how to increase online contacts to activate large members, promote the continuous growth of members, and increase revenue.

Private domain has become the most important layout for Ma Long to solve this problem since 2021. In fact, in a broad sense, Ma Long has been doing a private domain since it started to build a member point system, and launched Ma Long coin promotion, joint brand new product promotion, and active interaction with users of popular science content on the public account. However, there were few user contacts at that time, and the content interaction was mainly through the public account, Customer interaction is mainly based on the traditional way of telephone. Clinics in various regions also maintain customers by adding medical microenterprises. However, there is a lack of planning in member interaction and marketing, which is mostly spontaneous. Overall, the efficiency is low and the effect is poor. Through the systematic private domain construction, it can increase the contact between the brand and users, help Ma Long solve the problem of old and new, and also help him further solve the problem of re purchase.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

To build a private area, Ma Long chose diversion first. In the early stage, the user tags were screened through the CRM system, targeted to select high-value users for telephone diversion, and used low price or free welfare gifts as feedback to attract regular customers to add guidance (welfare officer) WeChat. In the first phase of implementation, the enterprise micro account system was set up. The user center of the headquarters was responsible for the appointment of users to the clinic, and each clinic was responsible for the in-process and post diagnosis; The second stage is to conduct propaganda and training for each outpatient department; The third stage is to sort out the clinical process path, carry out the clinical role allocation and content planning, and then carry out the corresponding private domain activity planning in the final stage. At present, Ma Long's private domain construction is in the third stage of content construction, which has not yet been completed. The enterprise micro enterprise of Ma Long's appointment guidance is still the original version.

From Ma Long's current private domain construction actions, it is better to choose not to divert when the private domain system is not completed. You can choose some experience officers to participate in co creation, but not to divert on a large scale, otherwise it is easy to cause customer loss when the experience is not perfect.

As for the planning and construction of content activities in the third and fourth stages, Ma Long actually made some good attempts in terms of attracting new members, being active and transforming in his early private domain period, which can be directly used for reference in private domain planning and systematically strengthened.

New promotion link Through cooperation with Sam Supermarket and Cui Yutao Education Park, the same portrait brand, we have produced a three member co branded card. For a fee of 398 yuan, we can get a membership gift of 1180 yuan. In Malong Dentistry, we can enjoy online consultation, diagnosis and treatment discounts and reduction of diagnosis fees. At the same time, among Sam's members, the outstanding members with a high level version of 680 yuan/year also have the rights and interests of a 1000 yuan Malong Dentistry voucher. Through cooperation with the brand of user portraits, Ma Long has successfully attracted some accurate high net worth customers, who can be further transformed after entering the customer pool. To some extent, it can be understood as private domain exchange.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

Active link Through the popular science live broadcast of Love Teeth Month series, the interaction between members and the brand was mobilized by creating a column of doctors, nurses, outpatient managers, deans, customer stories, and a one cent trial in the mall.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

Transformation link On New Year's Day, we bought non-medical products in the mall, and gave "Malong Coins" of different amounts. If the clinic spent more than 500 yuan at any original price, you can use Malong Coins to offset, with the maximum amount of deduction not exceeding 50% of the consumption amount. In February, we bought "Malong Coins" on the Spring Life Festival, and gave 10% more. Malong Coins and 10 star products with different amounts of savings will be given as gifts, In September, Aiyayue bought Malong coins, which can be used as a deduction for clinic expenses. In combination with the revision of the two editions of rights and interests of Ma Long's members, the success of these promotional activities has finally laid a foundation for Ma Long's rights and interests in the membership system that are linked to the amount of Ma Long's coins and offline diagnosis and treatment.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

From the above activities of the Three Ring Festival, Ma Long attaches great importance to brand tonality, does not unduly disturb member users, pulls new people calmly and restrains, and uses the way of changing the volume of co branded members of homologous brands to guide; In the active link, content marketing is often used to promote and cultivate consumers' dental knowledge and the brand concept of truth, goodness and beauty. Among them, the creation of customer IP columns has mobilized them to share and spread through altruistic ways, employees and customers' recognition of the brand; The promotion is moderate. In terms of node selection, we interact with members through such nodes as the New Year, Love Teeth Day and Spring Life Festival, which are consistent with the brand. The number of promotions is basically less than two times a year. In terms of promotion strength, we combine the Malong coin playing method of the member's point system to promote. We do not directly contact low price discounts involving medical consumer goods, but give back to customers through the way of Malong coins.

These methods can still continue to be used in the subsequent planning of private domain activities.

In addition, Due to the addition of a new contact - enterprise micro form, it can be more abundant in the links of innovation, activity and transformation

For example, in New promotion link It is also the key problem to be solved after Malong built the enterprise micro touch point mentioned above. It can be aimed at female users who love sharing, combined with the brand's "aesthetic" and "smile" positioning, and set up corresponding sharing points in combination with the brand IP Malong to trigger spontaneous sharing by setting up punch points in clinics with a desire for social sharing, and for children users, Cooperate with the enterprise WeChat friends circle for synchronous communication.

 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis

stay Active link Members who actively participate in member activities can also be rewarded with corresponding gold coin fragments, which can be combined into Malong coins. Different interactive rights are set for customers with different Malong Coin points. At present, the overall rights and interests of paying members are relatively flat. You can set levels for paying members, and give different trial rights and interests to customers with different consumption quotas. Loyal and loyal users can invite as Malong experience officers to participate in the visit and construction of clinics or the trial of shopping malls.

stay Promotion conversion link In the offline medical service scenario, considering that the brand tonality is not convenient for low price and promotion, but other products such as oral care products in the online mall can be promoted in combination with corresponding nodes, and in combination with the promotion nodes such as 618 and Double 11 that consumers already know, Focus on spreading the brand through differentiated packaging or gifts around the brand IP Makalong in the form of feedback from old customers, while doing a wave of promotions. On Women's Day, Mother's Day, Nurse's Day, Children's Day, Summer Holiday and Teeth loving Day, which are important in the oral sector and consistent with the brand tone, go to the mall for promotional activities of corresponding categories to increase the viscosity and activity of members to Malong Life+Mall.
 How does Baishi Interactive Oral Brand Chain break the situation and grow through private domain? (Middle) | Malong Dental Case Analysis
Of course, the increase of promotion nodes will inevitably increase the exchange cost of Malong coins. In view of this problem, the brand's credit system can be adjusted accordingly. On the one hand, it can be solved through the diversity of promotion rewards, such as adding more lottery links to send Malong coins to the surrounding areas instead of simply giving Malong coins. On the other hand, In fact, the exchange of offline diagnosis and treatment amount can be done in combination with the private member day. The diagnosis and treatment amount can be exchanged in the online mall on the designated day of each month, and the limit of each exchange can be determined according to the background data, so as to deepen members' awareness of the brand member day.


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