Apply the 5-step solution to private domain operation policy of RARRA model

Focusing on retention is the key to the RARRA growth model.

RARRA model Thomas Petit and Gabor Papp optimized the pirate index - AARRR model. The RARRA model highlights and emphasizes the importance of user retention.

 Apply the 5-step solution to private domain operation policy of RARRA model

stay Private domain The RARRA model in is also applicable. If users enter the private domain pool of the enterprise, the enterprise does not retain users well and cannot let users create value. The enterprise still keeps introducing users from the public domain to the private domain, which will increase the burden on the enterprise. In this information age, the cost of customer acquisition is high. Compared with customer acquisition, the cost of maintaining users in the private domain is low, After users stay in the private domain of the enterprise, it shows that they trust the enterprise, so the order rate is considerable.

If you still spend money to attract new users when the retention rate is low, you are actually just renting traffic, which is not really customer acquisition.

1、 User retention

Improving user retention is the basis for product growth. The first step is to evaluate the retention rate of products and the churn nodes of major users, calculate the retention rate of users of your product for N days, check how many users return to your product, and accurately determine the major churn nodes of users. Then you will know which key points need optimization and improvement.

When you acquire new users, let them return to your products by proving your products and cultivating their habits. You should first understand how your products are used by those users and become a part of life. Which users are your long-term loyal users, and what have they done with your products? What functions of the product do they use? What time is the most active time of the day?

The best way to keep users alive is to know how much they like the product, identify and optimize the popular functions in the product, and improve User experience Listen to the common problems users encounter daily and improve the product.

In the private domain, when we reach users through touch points, we should adjust the user's journey configuration according to the user's interests and needs, and enter into the corresponding journey. We have a complete set of SOP, as long as the enterprise sets up the relevant content in the journey, The SMR private domain service software automatically matches the user to enter the appropriate journey. For example, when the user has not placed an order, it follows the process of the user who has not placed an order. When the user places an order, it changes to the user who placed an order, following the process of the user who placed an order. The user journey can also be set according to the user's preference.
How to keep a user in your private domain and keep an eye on you? In short, it is to provide users with value and push them the content that matches their needs. According to the particularity of users, Luoshu SMR service software sets the function of tagging, matches the corresponding journey settings, and satisfies people's thousands of intelligent push advertisements.

 Apply the 5-step solution to private domain operation policy of RARRA model

2、 User Activation

There is only one chance to activate users, so it is particularly important for the product to provide a pleasant first experience and leave a good impression.

In the private domain, the experience of users who place orders for the first time is important. What we need to do is to provide the best service, be the intimate little cotton padded jacket of users, know what users are interested in and what they are interested in, and push the corresponding products to users, SMR private domain service software collects user information and labels users according to keywords, so that we can better understand users' preferences and better serve users.

 Apply the 5-step solution to private domain operation policy of RARRA model

3、 User recommendation

According to a study conducted by Nielsen, 92% of people trust friends' recommendation. We can use incentives to let the remaining loyal users push your products to the users around the social circle, which can quickly expand your user base and provide the same incentives for potential users. Moreover, the customer acquisition cost of user recommendation is usually much lower than that of other channels, and the users who stay due to user recommendation are also relatively high.

What we need to do in the private domain is to let users spontaneously recommend the enterprise's products to other users as much as possible. The common promotion methods are microblogging, live message lottery, allowing users to output brand stories and product use feelings, so that old users can take users in the public domain into the private domain to complete user fission.

 Apply the 5-step solution to private domain operation policy of RARRA model

4、 User revenue

The main task of user revenue is to improve the lifetime value of users. The longer the customers stay, the greater their value to your business. They provide stable and predictable revenue growth - which means you can spend more money to acquire more new users.

 Apply the 5-step solution to private domain operation policy of RARRA model

Ways to improve the lifetime value of users:

  1. Regular return visit

It is very important to visit users regularly. This is a way for users to get back into contact with enterprise products. You can specify when to push users, but the frequency should not be too frequent.

2. Identify up sell and cross sell opportunities

Up Marketing (Up Marketing), according to the past consumption preferences of existing customers, provide products or services with higher value or other purposes to enhance their original functions or uses.

Cross marketing, which discovers customers' various needs from their purchase behavior, promotes relevant products or services to them, and creates additional sales opportunities.

3. Ask users for feedback

Understanding users' needs can help you prioritize your roadmap and focus on areas that actually promote user retention and business growth. This is of great significance for improving the user experience and understanding that users recommend products to others.

Knowing how many loyal customers you have and who they are is closely related to maintaining a low churn rate and expanding your user base through app store rating, recommendation and mouth to mouth communication.

In the private domain, direct links with users can get quick feedback, helping the brand improve and optimize its products in the early stage. Understand users' needs and interests, regularly push the products they are interested in to users through three contacts, so that users can see the channels where they can place orders for the products they are interested in. From the user's purchase behavior, judge the user's various interests and needs, and recommend relevant products to the user. For example, if a user likes Mickey Mouse, you can push him a backpack or water cup with Mickey Mouse elements, and he may buy them. Ask users for product feedback, optimize products and services, and connect with users closely.

5、 Get a guest
Through group analysis, find out which customer acquisition channels are most suitable for your products. Pay attention to the funnel and find out which channels bring loyal users to your enterprise. Once you know which channel can retain users, you can increase marketing efforts to meet the need to add new users at the top of the channel.

In the private domain, we have a variety of channels to reach users. For example, we now have three channels to reach users: private chat, circle of friends, and user groups. But if private chat has the best effect and the highest user conversion rate, then we should maintain the private chat channel, supplemented by other channels.

 Apply the 5-step solution to private domain operation policy of RARRA model

When the product has a certain amount of traffic, it can retain users, then it can increase marketing efforts and increase users at the top of the marketing funnel. Focusing on retention is the key to the RARRA growth model.

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