What do you think of the live broadcast of goods on station B?

With the rapid development of network, Live broadcast with goods It has become a powerful and effective means of sales. As a gathering place of Generation Z, Station B has a high viscosity of users. It has not relented to start the live broadcast sales journey. More and more brands have started to invest in the live broadcast with goods in Station B. People can directly place orders to buy goods just by watching the live broadcast, What should I think about the data of a product in the live video tape in station B?

On the commodity search page, select the function page of live goods with goods. You can search for commodities by keyword, or by commodity classification, commodity price, commodity source, number of anchors with goods, number of live stations with goods, number of hot spots for commodities. If you find a corresponding commodity, you can learn about the number of anchors with goods, number of live stations with goods Data such as number of hot looters

 What do you think of the live broadcast of goods on station B? Source - Guoji · Feigua Data (Station B version)

If you want to view more product data, you can click Analysis to enter the product details page, where you can see the core overview data, product related videos, product related live broadcasts, product related up owners, product audience portraits, and similar popular products

 What do you think of the live broadcast of goods on station B? Source - Guoji · Feigua Data (Station B version)

On the product related live broadcast page, you can see the associated live broadcast number, cumulative hot scramble number, number of viewers, popularity peak and other data of the product. On the live broadcast list page, you can see the associated live broadcast number of the product, and you can see the start time, live broadcast price, hot scramble number, number of viewers of each live broadcast

 What do you think of the live broadcast of goods on station B? Source - Guoji · Feigua Data (Station B version)

Select the live broadcast you want to view and click Analysis to view the popularity analysis, gift analysis, bullet screen analysis, audience portrait, cargo analysis and other data in the live broadcast

 What do you think of the live broadcast of goods on station B? Source - Guoji · Feigua Data (Station B version)

Summary: Live delivery has become a new means of sales. To open live delivery in Station B, you need to master all aspects of commodity data to better analyze Marketing Products, so as to improve the sales of products!

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