360 Mobile Assistant: Green Book of Mobile Application Industry Trends in 2015

On January 7, 360 Phone Assistant Officially released two authoritative reports, 2015 Mobile applications Industry trends Green paper 》And the Green Book on Mobile Game Industry Trends in 2015. The Green Book objectively and authoritatively reflects the current situation of domestic smart phone users, mobile phone hardware manufacturers and mobile APP download, and makes a detailed analysis of the entire mobile Internet ecosystem.


The green book of mobile phone applications shows that in 2014, the gender proportion of Chinese mobile Internet users and the seniority structure of mobile phone users changed significantly; The competition among hardware manufacturers is more intense in the choice of models to use; The proportion of users downloading applications through mobile terminals has also exceeded 50% for the first time, and the selection of applications has become increasingly picky. At the same time, the report also tested and analyzed more than 70 application categories.

1、 Mobile Internet user form changes Women occupy half the sky

According to the data from the Green Book, the gender proportion of China's mobile Internet users has changed quietly in the past four quarters, with the proportion of women rising from 41% in the fourth quarter of 2013 to 47% in the third quarter of 2014. The gender change of mobile Internet will undoubtedly bring new enlightenment to the vast number of application developers: a large number of self portraits, shopping, beauty Sharing apps will be popular with female users.


With the gradual disappearance of the demographic dividend of mobile Internet, the proportion of novice players and ordinary players is gradually decreasing. On the contrary, the proportion of senior mobile Internet players has rapidly climbed from 13.8% in the fourth quarter of 2013 to 27.3% in the third quarter of 2014. This change indicates that users will be more and more demanding in their choice of applications User experience Poor, operate Poor applications will be quickly eliminated.


Since this year, a large number of unique new APPs have emerged in the first tier cities, attracting a large number of new users. It is expected that they will spread to the second and third tier cities in the next year.


2、 Traditional hardware manufacturers encounter "cold winter" 20% The above mobile phone users are "local tyrants"

In 2014, traditional state-owned mobile phone manufacturers encountered "cold winter". Mobile phone manufacturers from Huawei and ZTE began to shake Samsung's absolute leading position. The user utilization rate of HTC, a traditional mobile phone hardware manufacturer, declined rapidly from 5.8% in the fourth quarter of 2013 to 3.5% in the third quarter of 2014.


It is worth noting that the proportion of mobile Internet users using high-definition mobile phones (HD and FHD) has increased from 18.4% in Q4 last year to 24.5% in Q3 this year. In the future, users' demand for high-definition video and games will significantly expand.


In addition, the proportion of mobile phones with large screens of more than 5 inches is also increasing, reaching 36% in Q3 2014. The large screen of mobile phones has greatly met the needs of users for entertainment, office work and reading. In the future, smart phones will certainly occupy most of users' time.


High pixel camera has also become the standard configuration of mainstream models, which will greatly improve the user's photo taking experience, and will also bring new opportunities for camera or picture APP.


This year, the upgrading of mobile phone hardware has accelerated significantly. Smartphones are experiencing the same hardware competition as the PC era, and this trend will remain the mainstream in the future.


Looking at the changes in the number of CPU cores of mobile phones, the proportion of quad core mobile phones in Q3 2014 was close to 50%. The continuous upgrading of smart phones, especially the significant improvement of resolution and processor performance, means that mobile application developers need to pay attention to targeted optimization to bring high-quality experience to users.


Although the hardware performance has been continuously upgraded, the price of smart phones has not increased significantly. In Q3 2014, the proportion of low-grade models even increased. More than one fifth of mobile Internet users "Tuhao" who buy high priced mobile phones will be the main profit target of developers.


According to its own APP tags and user download data, 360 Mobile Assistant depicts a portrait of people's interests: the top three mobile Internet users' interest groups are game players, movie fans and shopping enthusiasts.


3、 Mobile Internet traffic is rising significantly Download proportion anti exceeding for the first time PC

The report shows that the transfer of users' download behavior to the mobile terminal has become a foregone conclusion. In Q3 2014, the proportion of mobile applications downloaded from the mobile terminal exceeded that from the PC terminal for the first time, reaching 51%. In the future, mobile Internet will account for the majority of traffic.


From the active time of users, Saturday is the most obvious, followed by Sunday. Among them, it is especially obvious for game users. The active proportion on Saturday is 10% higher than usual.


In addition, the peak time of user activity is concentrated at 12:00-13:00 at noon and 20-22:00 at night. In contrast, game users are more active in the daytime, and their peak period at night is also earlier than that of software users (20 o'clock). It is conceivable that users are inconvenient to operate games before going to bed, so night time is reserved for reading and video software.


Statistics show that the second to third months are the most valuable life cycle when users' LTV (lifetime value) is measured by weekly download frequency. Users' non update downloads begin to decline after 3 months of the life cycle, and update downloads begin to decline after 4 months, but the update frequency is higher than that of non update downloads.


4、 Mobile search downloads grow rapidly Newbie moms are open to parenting APP

360 data shows that mobile search is becoming more and more important to users. From Q4 last year to Q3 2014, the proportion of users searching and downloading has been growing, especially this year's Q3 summer vacation brought a large number of active searches, which made the proportion reach 35.2%.


From the perspective of user search terms, they mainly focus on precise words, category words and series words. In contrast, software users tend to search precisely, while game users will try more category words and other keywords, and they tend to search extensively.


With the growth of user experience, although users become more and more picky, they can spend less time to complete a download. Compared with Q4 last year, Q3 this year took 24 seconds less. This means that mobile application developers should attract users' attention in a shorter time and convert it into downloads.


From the perspective of the conversion rate from browsing to downloading, users will not refuse the APP for childcare and tourism. It can be seen that users are very cautious about the long life of childcare and the short life of tourism. They would rather try 100 apps than let one go.


5、 Internet users download APP Nearly four games Photography APP a new force suddenly rises

The report data shows that since Q1 2014, the number of mobile applications launched has maintained a rapid growth, of which Q3 saw a month on month growth of more than 30%, especially the growth of software. However, the number of online games has begun to slow down, which shows that the game industry has begun to return to rationality.


However, the number of game downloads is still huge, accounting for nearly 40% of the total downloads. In case of winter and summer vacations, the proportion will increase. For example, 2014Q3 (summer vacation) will increase by 2% compared with 2014Q2, and 2014Q1 (winter vacation) will increase by 3% compared with Q4 last year.


In Q3 2014, the newly launched applications still ranked first in terms of tools, followed by videos. These two types of APPs also ranked top 5 for four consecutive quarters. In addition, the data also shows that beautification apps are sinking, while photography apps are emerging as a new force, appearing in TOP5 for two consecutive quarters starting from Q2.


In addition, leisure games topped the list for four consecutive quarters. In Q3 2014, card games exceeded 10% and rose to the top 2, while RPG games also rose from 8% to 10%, ranking third.


6、 The rise of intelligent hardware, mobile finance, online ordering, etc O2O Change lifestyle

The emergence of smart phones has changed the way people interact with information. Its combination with traditional sensor, Bluetooth, infrared and other data transmission interfaces makes many hardware such as TV, air conditioner, even blood pressure meter, thermometer and other Internet based devices. Judging from the number of 360 distributed smart hardware clients, the current market size in this field is small but the growth trend is very obvious. Both giants and ordinary entrepreneurs are eager to try, but no one has yet explored a reliable product form.


The report shows that the number of downloads of online food ordering apps in Q3 has soared this year. Online ordering saves time and improves the dining experience for users, and promotes the informatization of the catering industry for businesses. However, online ordering still needs more time to improve the online user experience, enhance the trust of offline businesses, and maintain the final delivery link.


According to the data distributed by 360 mobile assistant, the number of downloads of financial management APP has increased steadily, and the weekly download has increased to 1.34 million, with huge market potential. As mobile phone bookkeeping, audit or securities information gradually subverts the traditional financial management model, user financial management is more intelligent and fragmented. Financial APP also takes this opportunity to become a distribution channel for various financial products, and even some platforms have advanced into the Internet financial value chain, such as P2P online lending.


The rise of smart phones and the popularity of wifi have once again pushed the boom of free phones. This year's entry of 360, WeChat has brought innovation in the network phone model, and strengthened the positioning of the phone as an entrance.


According to the data distributed by 360 mobile assistant, anonymous social apps are still in a rapid growth stage. At present, the weekly download volume has exceeded 500000, of which Momo accounts for about 50%, forming a super strong anonymous social pattern.


According to the data distributed by 360 mobile assistant, the mobile travel APP has developed to 640000 in a week, showing a steady upward trend as a whole, especially in holidays. It is estimated that the online tourism business currently accounts for only 15% of the overall tourism industry, and the mobile terminal accounts for about half of it. Mobile tourism has a broad prospect in the future.


This year, the trend of e-commerce mobility is more obvious. From 360's distribution data, the weekly download volume of vertical e-commerce is close to 1.5 million, including various subdivisions such as focusing on women's clothing, mothers and babies, cosmetics, etc., which will make vertical e-commerce more popular.


Online games, especially heavy online games, have begun to permeate the life of mobile users. From 360's distribution data, the attention of heavy online games is growing, and the acceleration of hardware performance and improvement of network environment are also important benefits.


7、 Move APP Increasingly difficult entrepreneurial environment Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen Chengwotu

It can be seen from the list of top 500 mobile assistants of 360 that the mainstream APP market pattern has been formed as early as 2012, and 68% of the top 500 APPs were launched before 2013. Analysts believe that it is relatively easy for traditional Internet giants to take advantage of the first mover advantage to enter the market first and occupy the market, while if the latecomers of APP do not have a strong background, the threshold for entry will be higher and higher.


In addition, the urban distribution of TOP 500 shows that Beijing accounts for 40%, followed by Shanghai and Shenzhen; Guangzhou, the first tier city, is slightly inferior to Hangzhou. The second tier city is the second tier city, while the third tier city is Xiamen, Chengdu and Hefei.


From the perspective of the number of TOP500APP, the life APP ranks first, and the corresponding download proportion ranks fifth. This category belongs to the blue ocean market. On the contrary, the number of video APP is far lower than the number of downloads, which belongs to the Red Sea market.


The 2014 Mobile Application Development Trend Report released by 360 Mobile Assistant comprehensively and objectively depicts the current pattern of China's mobile Internet market, and provides valuable conclusions on the future development direction of app developers and the research and development of mobile intelligent terminal manufacturers' products.

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