618 How to Use AI to Sell on Taobao

On May 10, TaoBao Tmall At the 618 merchant conference, the newly established Taotian Group said that it would realize the business within the next five years operate The comprehensive intelligence of tools will create new user products and services in the AI era, and ultimately greatly reduce costs and improve efficiency for businesses.

On May 23, Taobao Tmall officially released the "AI Ecological Partnership Plan", which is open to ecological partners Marketing Planning and promotion, content organization and creation, customer service and reception services, financial management, order management and other core business scenarios of seven merchants, together with ecological partners to promote the application and development of artificial intelligence technology in e-commerce, help merchants better apply new AI technology, improve business efficiency and User experience

It is understood that Taobao Tmall has provided various business charging modes, first year R&D fee and transaction commission reduction, special cloud product discounts, one-stop R&D platform and other resource support for ecological partners participating in the plan, helping ecological partners to obtain broader business opportunities and technical services.

At present, the Taobao open platform has opened its application portal to the outside world, and the first batch of dozens of ecological partners have completed their settlement. Many business services of Taobao Tmall are rapidly accessing AI, and it is expected to take the lead in providing businesses with intelligent generative services in the fields of content, data and customer service.

A number of Taobao merchants disclosed to Qianniujun that the relevant AI services of Taobao Tmall's merchant workbench are entering the late stage of research and development. "Using AI services can very well assist us in planning and releasing new copy on goods. Now we need to release about 10 new copy on goods every day. In the future, AI can provide us with a variety of copy suggestions such as first person, simplicity, functionality, etc. Originally, each copy would take at least 10 minutes or more to complete, but only 'a few seconds'." A Taobao merchant who is participating in AI service co creation confirmed this to Qianniujun. The merchant also provided a rendering of AI assisted content creation.

 618 How to Use AI to Sell on Taobao

 618 How to Use AI to Sell on Taobao

"Taobao Tmall has a huge market scale, rich consumer and business application scenarios, and mature business model. The release of the AI Ecological Partnership Plan will help promote the application and popularization of AI technology, bring new development opportunities for ecological partners in the industry, and further help businesses improve operational efficiency and consumer experience. Taobao Tmall can also make full use of AI capabilities to better respond to market changes and user needs, and continue to lead and change the development of e-commerce industry. " A person in the e-commerce industry shared that.

 618 How to Use AI to Sell on Taobao

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