618 Three major changes of Taotian Group, what should we do

On May 10, at TaoBao Tmall At the 618 Business Conference, the newly established Taotian Group made its first public appearance. New and reform have become the two core keywords of Tmall Taobao.

Dai Shan, CEO of Taotian Group, said that in the era of technological changes such as generative AI and changes in consumer behavior habits, "new changes" and "self changes" are not optional questions but must answer questions. Facing the future, Taobao Tmall took the lead in determining the three directions of "change creates new", upgrading new scenes, new ecology and new technologies.

 618 Three major changes of Taotian Group, what should we do

The first is "user first". Taobao should be the first national APP for life consumption. Taobao will expand the user scale for businesses with "historic huge investment"; Continuously upgrade user products, input services and logistics construction, and do a good job User experience Everything revolves around the needs of users like, want to see, love to see, love to play and so on, providing more abundant commodities, short videos, live broadcast, grass planting content and personalized stores.

Taobao will go far beyond the previous investment to promote comprehensive content. The content track has become an increasingly important source of increment for businesses and brands. In the past year, the number of live users of Taobao has increased by more than 70% year on year, and the number of live guided customers has increased by nearly 100% year on year.

The second is "ecological prosperity". Taobao is positioned as a rich and interesting street where people come and go. In the next five years, it will gather tens of millions of businesses, hundreds of millions of creators and various service providers. The new organization of Taotian Group is responsible for building an open, inclusive and win-win ecology, "different tracks, different highlights". The Brand Business Development Center will focus on helping enterprises to do a good job in the full cycle construction of brands, commodities and users operate And development, and operate Overall business; The SME Development Center serves entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses, and will focus on building more than 200000 characteristic stores.

Dai Shan explained that the two centers mentioned above are a interconnected whole, and they jointly support businesses in their upward development from entrepreneurship to small and medium-sized enterprises and then to branding. The platform will also take the initiative to reduce platform charges, increase platform commercialization subsidies, and further reduce business costs.

The third is "technology driven". Taobao will upgrade all existing merchant tools and create new user products and services in the AI era by leveraging the Group's technology and data capabilities. This year, Taobao will provide businesses with 15 new private domain tools covering the full link operation of new customers, old customers, members and fans for free. In the next five years, Taobao will realize the comprehensive intellectualization of business operation tools, which will be free of charge, and ultimately greatly reduce costs and improve efficiency for businesses.

In addition, tens of billions of products, tens of billions of fan memberships, tens of billions of commodity browsing every day, large-scale transactions and massive consumption evaluations... The rich accumulation of 20 years of Taobao ecology has supported the foundation of Taobao Tmall to lead the commercial reform in the AI era.

May 10 is also Taobao's 20th birthday. "Taobao has always been a technology driven and business leading platform. Next, Taobao should make AI popular and inclusive, and unleash productivity that really changes the industry and promotes social progress." Dai Shan said.

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