 Head of Agnes

Agnes Contributors

[Lingqi] Intelligent Marketing Product Content Leader, Editor in Chief of [Lingqi Marketing Notes]
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  • After studying 612 Google ads, I came to 9 conclusions

    Thanks to free tools and strong customer base, we have been continuously exposed to a large number of advertising data. Up to now, we have analyzed Google ads with a total value of more than 60 million dollars. With these data, we can let you know the average click through rate, conversion rate, cost per click, cost per conversion and other performance of all different industries.

    October 6, 2021
    nine hundred and fourteen
  • Exclusive: In addition to the blind box, station B and Tesla, the post-95s use "black sheep" to lead the new marketing trend in the next 10 years

    As of January 2021, the number of active devices of China's mobile Internet Generation Z is nearly 350 million, and Generation Z has become a new force of China's mobile Internet. The Circle Effect: Understanding the Business Logic of the Main Consumer after 1995 mentioned that the intergenerational consumption difference will disappear in the future. Generation Z will be the last generation named after the intergenerational. The consumption characteristics of Generation Z will represent the consumption trend of future people, from which we can glimpse the marketing trend in the next 10 years or even longer.

    March 30, 2021
  • 1.2 billion red envelopes in the Spring Festival Gala. Is it possible to strike fast and kick Baidu?

    Since WeChat Red Packet became famous in the first battle, the Spring Festival Red Packet and the marketing activities around it have become the first annual drama in the field of Internet marketing. After all, there are few win-win opportunities for big factories and wool. A small red envelope has become a comprehensive competition for Internet companies' commercial liquidity, operation, product and brand power. However, this little red envelope is not easy to control. Some people use it as a panacea, while others use it as a poison.

    March 1, 2021
  • Authoritative prediction: 5 major trends of clue acquisition in 2021

    531 million! This is the result of the search for "clue generation". Let's calm down for a moment – 531000000. So, how can we find the marketing crown through such huge data

    February 27, 2021
    eight hundred and thirty-six
  • Ups and downs: a picture of 2020 advertising and optimization

    Keyword index: January, short video, the first year of the storm of short video marketing is coming. In February, search, byte beating, the internal "high-profile" headline search for two years was officially launched in the Android App Store. In March, in the circle of friends, high advertising costs and optimization have become the focus after launching

    January 8, 2021
  • Information flow or search? Headline Do you understand this chess game?

    If you put an advertisement in the information stream, you must also notice the search module and stand beside the information stream module, waiting for the advertiser to come to your door.

    December 24, 2020
  • What is the "transformation" of digital marketing in the education industry?

    Digital transformation of marketing is not achieved overnight. Because the theoretical online marketing link does not match the actual market situation, educational enterprises are more confused and challenged in the process of digital transformation of marketing. For this reason, the author tries to figure out some ideas for the relevant marketers in the education industry on digital transformation through a detailed interpretation of the White Paper on 2020 Digital Transformation of Education Industry Marketing (Minglue Technology) and the Research on the Current Situation of 2020 OMO Mode Transformation of Education Industry (Duojing Education Research Institute).

    December 16, 2020
  • The landing page that only focuses on effects can be used as a brand?

    Around 2018, with the further development of big data and artificial intelligence technology, science and technology enterprises began to try borderless scenario marketing, such as reconstructing offline advertising with technology, which in turn promoted the digitalization, intellectualization and networking of media. Brands had ups and downs in this marketing technology revolution, and the result was that they did not lose their position, Instead, we are moving towards a more important role.

    December 15, 2020
  • How does the scientific AB test confuse the public when the screen of new vaccine experiment is brushed?

    There are three kinds of lies in the world:

    Lies, damned lies, statistics.

    There are three kinds of lies:

    lies, damned lies, and statistics.

    December 7, 2020
  • How will 2021 intellectualization change the working status of marketers?

    It seems too early to talk about the impact of AI on marketing in 2020. We are still struggling to survive. But great changes often come quietly. Before the new technology wraps the marketers in it, the work of the head is taken as a clue. Along these clues, we can always see some longer road.

    November 26, 2020
  • The most expensive election in history, can we find new marketing ideas?

    According to the New York Times, the US presidential election in 2020 is about to break the previous record and become the most expensive election in American history. According to the prediction of the "Open Secrets", the total cost of this election will be close to $14 billion, more than double that of 2016. In the last two months of intensified competition, political donations showed a trend of massive influx, followed by a substantial increase in advertising spending.

    November 23, 2020
  • The marketing landing page is designed like this, which makes users more satisfied

    This article is an extension of the chapter on growth methodology after reading "I am doing growth on the front line: the way of user operation in the stock age" (author: Yang Hanqing). This paper mainly draws on the growth methodology of "guiding users to start a quick thinking mode and complete key decisions", which is also very applicable to the production of marketing landing pages. If we treat the advertising and marketing page as a complete product, and try to redesign and optimize it with this methodology, it may produce surprising effects.

    November 23, 2020
  • Internal education industry, external marketing trend

    In 2020, the conversion rate of online education (the ratio of low price courses to regular price courses) averaged 15% - 30% from summer to autumn. In combination with the huge marketing investment in the early stage of online education, the conversion rate and retention rate in the later stage were low, leading to losses becoming the industry norm. Some insiders said that the era of online education is coming. The Financial Report of the Company once said that there are only two ways to break the situation of online education: one is to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs in the existing business model; The second is to find new business models. At present, most companies have chosen the first way as the main way, supplemented by the second way.

    In order to improve efficiency and reduce costs, marketing efficiency is the first to bear the brunt. The author has made a comparative study of the latest education industry marketing reports of various research institutions and media platforms, found the following four marketing insights, and made a brief analysis for the reference of relevant friends.

    November 20, 2020
  • How will 2021 intellectualization change the working status of marketers?

    It seems too early to talk about the impact of AI on marketing in 2020. We are still struggling to survive. But great changes often come quietly. Before the new technology wraps the marketers in it, the work of the head is taken as a clue. Along these clues, we can always see some longer road.

    November 16, 2020
    nine hundred and ninety-two
  • High energy: landing page optimization method that leads to "extreme comfort"

    This article was originally written on WeChat official account: Lingqi Marketing Notes (getlx007)

    October 30, 2020
  • Self review from landing page: climbing versus sliding?

    To be ashamed, when I had to write around the landing page, my heart refused at the beginning - I was worried that the content theme narrowed the number into a routine description and a summary. However, I am stubborn. I want to use the following article to prove that my idea is one-sided - landing page topics can also be seen from a small perspective, and many interesting topics related to marketing psychology and technology trends can be discussed.

    I will do 99% of my best, and then I will leave one part of my effort for deviation and chattering

    October 30, 2020
    seven hundred and thirty-three
  • Have you ever patted your head when doing landing page optimization?

    Observe today's marketing situation. Brand owners like to launch on a large scale, test at any cost, and transform with manpower. These methods are indeed effective. However, if the effect is significant, they ignore the hidden crisis behind it, which is ultimately suspected of being short-sighted. As a result, talk about the common short-sighted trap in "landing page optimization".

    October 24, 2020
    six hundred and sixty-eight
  • The biggest killer of landing page persuasiveness

    [Grab of landing page] To find it, let the user not run away - it's like when you find the starting point, what's next? What's the big move? After reading the "landing page" countless times, I found that the core trick of the landing page is your own point of view! Whether you are talking about your own products or the pain points of users, you should finally form a clear point of view, because only views can further convince people.

    October 24, 2020
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