Blog Jump Page Optimization Record

Blog comments will let friends leave links, mainly for the convenience of mutual visits, or where to find each other's links. However, some people like to promote everywhere. Of course, this is for those who want to advertise everywhere. Ordinary blogs don't care much about this.

My blog has a jump page for a long time, which is mainly used to jump after base64 encoding. However, since one day, I have not automatically jumped. If I need to click the button again, I feel very inconvenient, not to mention others.

So we have the optimization record of this article.

1. Add blacklist

For some illegal websites (especially those with colors), I didn't find their existence. I saw them from Bing's webmaster tool, so I immediately added the blacklist function and found that one domain name was added to each one. For the domain names in the blacklist, I directly jumped to page 404, as shown below:

 Illegal website

After being blocked by, you will jump to page 404 directly.

 Blog 404

2. Add white list

For the white list, the first one is the judgment rule of the white list. To save time, I directly select Reader Wall Top 40 within 180 days. If you are not on this list, sorry, you are temporarily not on the white list.

The rule of updating the reader wall is updated once a day. You commented today. If you meet the conditions, you will be on the wall tomorrow, and you will be on the white list.

Bloggers on the white list automatically jump, as shown below:

 Whitelist users

3. Safety inspection

For those who are particularly disgusting and always like to mess with others, there is a security detection in itself. When they are identified, they will directly prompt, and the first interception is:

 Safety inspection

4. General Links

The routine is those friends who are not in the above range. Sorry, they can only wronged you.

 General Links


see Blog link security Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link:

Comment list (35)

  1. It seems that I have to clock in regularly every six months in the future, in order to stabilize the white list.

    1. Unexpectedly, it was revealed how to crack

  2. Clock in is very important.

    1. On the importance of clocking in the blogosphere

  3. It seems that it is impossible to promote by comments. We need to study how to let others quote links in the body

    1. Comments are definitely no good, there is no chance.

  4. It's a little cool. It's officially certified.

    1. Reader wall certification, it seems that there are no major problems with the rules

  5. I especially like comments with domain names. Later, I found that this method was not feasible. About three or five sites did not disable comments with domain names, so I changed-

    1. This move has a strong sense of promotion and will be blocked. I'm not sure if I'm shielding

    2. This station is a little interesting. I love you

      1. Teacher Wang is really Lei Feng and has set up an RSS

  6. This function is good

    1. It's a piece of cake for you

  7. I should be a secure website...

    1. I didn't say that you are unsafe, but my judgment condition is that if the reader wall has records, it belongs to frequent mutual visits and will automatically jump.

  8. You can add an advertisement. Oh,

    1. I don't have this idea for the time being. Maybe I will consider it in the next step

  9. The jump page is good. I think many bloggers have set most of it

    1. Each family has its own style. Some automatically jump, some need to click, and some add an advertisement. Apart from advertising, I didn't add the characteristics of multiple companies and my own logic

  10. In fact, the most annoying thing is that the blog just opened. I came up to read a title and made a comment. I frantically asked for friends. After two months, the website was not maintained. Then the domain name expired one year later, and the domain name dealer immediately sold it to open an illegal website.
    If you ignore them, they will spray you "what superiority does a broken blog show".
    The most annoying thing is this kind of comment. Akismet can't stop it.

    1. For new blogs, it is impossible to add links, and normal mutual visits are possible. But this cannot be stopped. Human flesh plus blacklist

  11. Leave a message now and stay on the reader wall.

    1. It feels like I asked everyone to keep the reader wall ranking in disguise

  12. White list Oh yeah!

    1. Frequent friends must give a certification. In other words, Tencent's interception was lifted again. I didn't change anything, but submitted it once

  13. Next, we will introduce VIP, VIP direct whitelist, SVIP can add domain name highlighted border, bold font, and custom content reminder..

    No, no, no, I have a job and don't want to go to Tencent.

    1. I wipe, the way to get rich is coming, start... Success is just around the corner

  14. I don't think there is any need to explain.

    1. Generally, people seldom look at the jump page carefully, which is to clarify why some do not automatically jump

  15. It is necessary to add jumps. Especially the blog that has been filed.

  16. The rule I set is that the number of comments must be greater than 10. Only the latest comments within 30 days will display comment links, and the jump page will be the most successful

  17. Your blog suddenly reminded me that I used a static page to make a navigation, and to achieve website click statistics is also to create an independent static page. You can obtain jump parameters through JS to jump, and count the click frequency through a third party while visiting this page.
    But what if someone uses my domain name to make it red?
    Fortunately, I read this article today, and I hastened to add a judgment.

    1. You also reminded me that I didn't judge the origin before. I just added that the judgment must be valid from the page of my blog to the jump page, and others were blocked.

  18. This Are there any specific courses?

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