Lightweight picture management system/album system - LightPicture

After changing the blog host, I couldn't solve the problem of background Ueditor uploading to the cloud again. After several days, I finally thought of establishing an album system to solve the problem. The first choice must be to support taking cloud pictures again. It's not good. I just found LightPicture, a lightweight image management system, and it's good to try it.

 Lightweight picture management system/album system - LightPicture

The following is an introduction from Github:

Program function

Support third-party cloud storage, local, AliCloud OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, Qiniu Cloud KODO, Youpaiyun USS, Huawei Cloud OBS, etc

Support multi bucket storage, and can add multiple object bucket management at the same time, suitable for team multi bucket collaboration

Multi image upload, drag and drop upload, paste upload, upload preview, full screen preview, and one click copy image external chain

Multi user management, group management; Different group users control different buckets

Complete permission control function. Different user groups can assign different operation permissions to control their upload, deletion and view

Complete visual log function, recording all user operations, facilitating event traceability

Global configuration of user's initial remaining storage space and setting of specified user's remaining storage space

Support interface upload and interface deletion

Original Geek flat page style, high performance/exquisite/elegant/simple but not simple

Installation requirements

PHP version ≥ 7.2

MySQL version ≥ 5.5

PDO expansion

Fileinfo expansion

Curl expansion

ZipArchive support

Installation Tutorial

Download LightPicture, upload it to the web running environment, and unzip it.

Set the running directory to public.

To configure the site default document:



Configure Rewrite rules as follows:

[ Apache ]

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

  Options +FollowSymlinks -Multiviews

  RewriteEngine On

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !- d

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !- f

  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [QSA,PT,L]


[ Nginx ]

location / { 

   if (!-e $request_filename) {

    rewrite  ^(.*)$  /index.php? s=/$1  last;



Visit the domain name/install and install according to the prompts on the page.

After installation, the default account is admin password 123456

Note: If you open the front desk registration after completion, please log in the administrator account to configure the sending mailbox

There is a bug

The default account is admin, but when you modify the administrator information, you will be prompted with an email error, and you need to change the account to an email

Self optimization

It is perfect to modify the default folder path and follow the original folder directory.

The modification is shown in the following figure: app/common.php

 Common.php modification

Test and upload the image after modification, which is perfect!


see album Graphic bed LightPicture Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link:

Comment list (17)

  1. LightPicture is installed on the host. I am still using the original PicGO of the stand-alone version

    1. The directory cannot be created automatically, so the naming will be forgotten

  2. Now that we have used the cloud again, why not use tools like PicGO to directly send them to the cloud again?

    1. Used, not easy to use. Can't meet my needs for directories

  3. I rely on cdn to accelerate now, and there is no map bed

    1. The virtual host that has been used for many years has limited traffic and space. There is just a free map bed, which can be accelerated to use now. Since there is wool, won't you be worthy of yourself

  4. I wanted to see the demo, but it seems that the demo station on the official website of LightPicture cannot be opened.
    Baidu Yike album is very good, and can automatically compare duplicate files.

    1. No Baidu photo album. I don't like Baidu very much. At present, only one map can be used

  5. I've used this thing before. It's not suitable for me. At present, it's imgurl

    1. Imgurl can only be uploaded to the local server. I have seen that it is relatively simple

      1. Be relieved to have your own machine

        1. As for cloud photography, you can directly ftp backup, which is more reliable than personal computers. This is my understanding.

  6. This gallery is a bit suitable for me. Is the background operation complicated. Upload and copy these.

    1. I think it's too simple. Anyway, I don't use it very often. The URL comes out immediately after uploading and is copied automatically after clicking

  7. This is very similar to the Lan Kong I tested before

    1. Lan Kong wants version 8.0. There are many other requirements. I don't want to bother

  8. Just needed. Leave a footprint. thank you.

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