JD's 10 billion subsidy does not support issuing enterprise's invoice

I bought a spare phone in Jingdong. Because it was a so-called 10 billion subsidy, I couldn't issue an invoice in the name of an enterprise when issuing an invoice. No matter how I complained, I just couldn't issue an invoice in the name of an individual. It's a little strange.

 Invoice consultation

In fact, when I placed the order, I found that I could not choose the enterprise. At that time, I specifically asked the customer service, who was noncommittal, that is, after the order is completed, the invoice can be issued. After the goods were received, I contacted again, but I didn't write an enterprise invoice. I was very angry. I called JD customer service and even said that I would complain to the tax bureau, but it was still fruitless.

 Request to issue enterprise invoice

At the beginning, it was really nice. The upgrade specialist handled it, and various routines began...

 They just don't issue invoices with enterprise titles

Complain that JD Express is invalid

One day, I bought a commodity in Jingdong. It was written as a delivery to a certain post station, mainly to make it easier for them. As a result, the product sent by Jingdong was directly thrown into the express cabinet. However, I don't often check it. Overdue is a frequent occurrence. Then the overdue payment will be collected by the express cabinet, although not much, fifty cents a yuan. But I'm not happy. Why should I pay for the goods, including the freight, and pay for the express container? It's good not to let you deliver the goods to your door.

JD's dispatchers are really blind. Anyway, I lost the express cabinet no matter what. I was very angry and complained about them.

I took it out the next day and changed it to a post station.

It's not over yet. I bought another product and lost the express cabinet. I'm really annoyed. Is TMD really blind and can't read?

Continue to complain, I will refund directly after taking it out the next day, no more!

Really TMD is a stupid delivery network, a stupid delivery staff!!!


see express Jingdong Mall JD.COM Related articles for

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Comment list (21)

  1. "Blind, can't read?" They should not read it. JD Express is good. Try X-Pass.
    At present, SF has the service to choose the arrival time (delivery every day, no delivery on weekends, delivery in the morning on weekends, etc.), the arrival place (delivery to the door, delivery to the express cabinet, delivery to the front desk, etc.), which is very humanistic. Only SF is used for express delivery. I hope it can be extended to all express delivery.

    1. According to the feedback from people in the community, the wrong building is often delivered. For example, Room 1501 in Building A will be sent to Room 501 in Building B. There are too many mistakes

  2. Just now, the second-hand owner put my express in the pipeline well directly, but he didn't call. He sent me a short message to inform me that it was in the pipeline well.

    1. There was a message...

  3. I have experienced the delivery of Lao Guang, which is about the lowest level in the country.
    There are few express delivery companies in the country that are not afraid of being complained about, but for the express delivery companies in Guangdong, you can't complain about them at all.

    1. In Guangzhou, complaints are effective. In the place where I live now, I am not afraid to complain 100 times. I can deliver the goods as I want. I complained about JD most times, but never changed. Three connections and one access have some effect, but the postal service is not afraid of complaints.

      1. Other areas: If you don't do it, you have to do it.
        Guangdong area: If I don't do it, people will not do it.

        1. Cao, I saw the Japanese news today and said the same thing: "If I don't do it, people will not do it"

          1. It shows that the awareness of many people has improved

  4. It is estimated that the final invoice has not been issued.

    1. No, If they don't open it, they just don't open it. Would rather return the goods to me than invoice me

  5. Jingdong is very good here. It's delivered directly to the door. Everyone at home called to confirm before putting down the door. The ten billion yuan subsidy is not self operated by dealers. Small dealers don't think of the cost. Or afraid that the distributors find out that they are dumping at low prices, they dare not issue invoices

    1. JD's distribution varies greatly from place to place

  6. Why don't you buy your own mobile phone at the original price when it is reimbursed by the company? Is the price much different?

    1. The truth is that my mobile phone is for my own use. I just want to open multiple tickets. Invoice is used to deduct cost tax

      1. This idea is dangerous

        1. Where does the danger come from... In that case, does the invoice have to be paid by the company

  7. Jingdong Express and Shunfeng are the most reliable.

    1. Shunfeng, most of them are based on the spectrum, and very few may have problems. But when problems are really encountered, the processing is also the most efficient. JD really looks at outlets

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