Blog blocked by Tencent Security Website Center

I don't know when to intercept it, because I haven't paid attention to it. Until one day, I clicked the blog link from Tencent email, but I couldn't jump. Follow the prompt to enter a blog called【 Tencent Security - Website Security Center 】The so-called detection is carried out, and the results are shown in the figure below. The so-called interception really exists.

 Blog blocked by Tencent Security Website Center

Click Appealing in the figure above to open the following form, and submit according to the form.

 Blog blocked by Tencent Security Website Center

After submitting, wait. At the same time, the email will receive an email informing you that it has been submitted. Wait. There was a reply soon. As a result, the reply was as follows:

 Blog blocked by Tencent Security Website Center

A reply will be sent in less than 3 days, which is estimated to be automatically detected by the system.

 Blog blocked by Tencent Security Website Center

Looking at the above information, one is the blog article. I carefully checked that there are copyright issues in the sharing of a TV play, or there are Google links in the article (now removed), and the second is the links of bloggers( ), probably because his blog was authenticated, and then Tencent identified it as a problem.

For the first time, change the link to not automatically jump, and add a blocking page. Submit again. It doesn't help. If you are angry, please reply to the following email:

 Blog blocked by Tencent Security Website Center

Really TM is a fool. If you like to intercept, you can intercept enough. Go to the ball!!!


see tencent Blog security Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link:

Comment list (34)

  1. Ha ha ha, don't you get used to it
    Don't get angry, don't get angry

    1. I have almost forgotten this matter. It has been half a month and I suddenly remembered to write it down.

  2. reply Athurg Athurg

    "I opened this mountain and planted this tree"!

    In the ecosystem of others, everything is up to them. He said that if they break the rules, they break the rules.

    So this is why you should never move your articles to any public account friends circle.

    More ruthless, active shielding. Any link opened through any Tencent product will be redirected to a prompt page, reminding that this website does not support direct access by Tencent. Of course, other platforms are similar, not limited to Tencent.

    It is not the platform itself but the content on the platform that makes the platform affordable. As a content producer, everyone should be firm and grow from small to large. In the end, no one will be able to handle it at any time.

    1. I am determined not to touch the public account. On the one hand, I can't write any good content, and on the other hand, I will not use the WeChat public account even if I have one.

  3. Don't care about these. As long as the browser accesses normally, nothing else is important

    1. Tencent likes to do this little thing

      1. I just found that your jump page and the style I referenced are very similar

        1. Don't ask, asking is copying others'

          1. I copied Tencent Haha

  4. Relax my mind. It's not a problem. I was too lazy to deal with it from the very beginning. When I met it, my mind was very good

    1. Just ignore it, just want to complain about Tencent's disgusting behavior

  5. I also encountered a complaint last year and gave several links that were 404 links, and even said they were malicious content
    After submitting the content for several times, I kept insisting that it was malicious content like a robot, so I didn't complain again, and then half a year later, it automatically recovered

  6. "Change the link to not automatically jump for the first time, and add a blocking page"
    Is this helpful for filtering web addresses?

    1. For some people who want to advertise, or intercept, it is effective. It will not jump over. But Tencent doesn't recognize it, it doesn't matter. I'm going to add a white list, and jump directly to the frequently visited bloggers without stopping.

  7. The virtue of the Chinese Internet has been more than 10 years, and you even wrote a special article

    1. I fully understand that there are various kinds of regulations, and sensitive information cannot be said, even whose name cannot appear. I will not commit this. However, the links of other people's homes are my problems just because they appear here. I can't understand them. Of course, let's do it in China

  8. Normally, eight or nine years ago, I reproduced in my travel notes on the official account, and mentioned the four words of today's sage without any derogatory meaning. The year before last, X Xun informed that the official account involving sensitive words would be deleted. Don't bother to complain, let them alone.

    1. It shows that our Internet is free, only at their request

  9. The reason why Tencent can survive is that it is very stable, so there is a bit of danger. Tencent, Baidu, Byte and Alibaba will strictly investigate and block. On the contrary, Station B is the most powerful. Many children are easy to say, and they dare to express themselves in Station B.

    1. If it's really illegal and sensitive, it's OK not to write or say. TMD is just an external link, which is illegal. I will go to his uncle

  10. reply springwood springwood

    I am here I checked my website and found it was "safe". Detect your website and display "Danger - the website you want to visit contains pornographic information".

    1. Where did I get the pornographic information... But one of Tencent's email replies pointed to you. Tencent is too messy

  11. None of them are artificial. You are not as good as the computer.

    1. If it is a machine, why is it in 404 status and has not been audited? It is a bit difficult to explain

  12. Congratulations on your site obtaining Tencent certification

    1. I am very happy and excited.

  13. Tencent has taken a fancy to you!

    1. It has been targeted and has been rejected several times.

  14. Not only Penguin, but also Baidu guards in China and 360 are particularly fond of blocking websites, and they don't know what they are based on.

  15. It's either this interception or that. It's very annoying

  16. I'm not surprised at Tencent's conduct, just curious about who is authenticated. It's a sunken boat. It's OK.

    1. It may be that if the website cannot be opened in China, it is identified as a problem. It is still intercepted

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