Looking back suddenly, it has been 13 years

First, correct your wrong pronunciation.

Suddenly But looking back, the Chinese idiom, Pinyin is R á n hu í; It means turning back suddenly or suddenly. Experienced things appear in my mind again. From Xin Qiji's "Blue Jade Case, New Year's Eve".

If you also mispronounce it, please note down the correct pronunciation, and don't mispronounce it again. Besides, it's not Mourning But looking back, the writing is different.

Blog has been 13 years

Yes, this blog has persisted to the 13th year.

Why can't I see the articles 13 years ago? Because I deleted them in 2016. Anyway, they are all scribbled. It doesn't matter if I delete them.

I have been able to persist for so many years only because of a lazy word. I am too lazy to bother and move. So far, this blog is still Fence virtual host Come on, it's incredible. Because for me, the virtual host is enough for my use, and the speed is also good. Occasionally, the line will draw air, and soon it will pass. I don't update it every day. What's the matter.

It has been 21 days since the last update. One is busy, the other is lazy. Busy, of course, is busy with work. The things I have been doing recently are really complicated, so I don't have much mind to write blog. Moreover, I have to spend too much time commuting to and from work, so I need to take time to sleep. When October comes, I will find a nearby place to live temporarily. It will not be so hard. Maybe I can update my blog every day. Anyway, who knows.

Complaining about Deppon Express

The so-called Debang Cold Chain, which is better said than sung, is just one word, slow!

The express delivery in the same province has to take 48 hours to arrive. It can't be done earlier.

One day, I bought fresh food from an online store recommended by someone, and delivered it that night. The next morning, I arrived at the transfer station in the city next to me, and arrived at more than 8 o'clock in the morning. As a result, I did not move that day. I waited until more than 9 o'clock on the third day to continue to leave, that is, I stayed at the transfer station for 24 hours.

If it's ordinary goods, I don't care about you, but fresh food, is it really reliable?

On the third day, I went to the dispatch office near me at 12 o'clock at noon. I called to ask if I was ready to send a piece. As a result, I didn't send a piece at 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

During the period, I made it very clear to the merchants that I would like to accept them when they arrive at 6:00 pm. If they arrive at 6:00 pm, I will not accept them.

Sure enough, I called at 6:45, but I had already returned the money before 6:10. Naturally, I could not accept the goods from others. I refused to answer the phone. I was too lazy to pay attention to such unreliable express delivery.

Later, I asked the original shipper of the Tmall flagship store, and said that it could only be sent to Debang, and that it would cost more to send Shunfeng. Ok, no see!


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Comment list (43)

  1. Yes, social progress is driven by customers like you. I'm not used to their faults.
    In fact, you must be very diligent.

    1. I'm too lazy to write now. Sometimes I want to write but I don't write it in time, and I forget it later.

  2. Looking back, I didn't think it was the server at least.

  3. suddenly turn round

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