Douban is hopeless

Because I need to log in Douban, I actually want to see the information on the Douban team. It turns out that my previous accounts have been locked, and I need to use my mobile phone number to unlock them. The point is that I need to edit the message and send it to the designated number, which makes me particularly uncomfortable.

Why do most platforms send SMS messages from the system, but you want users to send SMS messages for verification. Well, since you are so considerate to help me lock it, I can give up a platform and never see it again if I don't log in.

 Douban is hopeless

I also downloaded the APP because I wanted to log in. Since it is not available for me to use, I can uninstall it.

Discover an interesting phenomenon

I recently read the statistics and found several interesting search words, [multi-user personal accounting source code cracking content. php] [multi-user personal accounting source code cracking], but the search came to me.

Everybody, I wrote this program. It's really interesting to find the cracked version here.

 Multi user personal bookkeeping source code cracking

 Multi user personal bookkeeping source code cracking

If you have the ability, just crack it. But it is only limited to the existing public version. I will not publish the subsequent version. If you want to use it, you can buy a license.


see php Bookkeeping procedure Watercress Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link:

Comment list (33)

  1. If you send a short message to a designated number, users will incur a short message fee, right?

    1. That's necessary. Tencent is the best at this kind of thing

      1. Since Tencent cannot find manual customer service on the phone, I have become disgusted with the company...

  2. This is really disgusting. Last time, my douban was locked in the same way. I need to send a message to unlock it.
    Then, in the second half of the year after unlocking, the account was stolen once, and spam ads were being posted

    1. Cherish your mobile phone number and stay away from Douban

  3. This situation is very similar to Tencent. I log in QQ mailbox number at NetEase Email Master, and need to verify it in this way

    1. Master of Netease Email, I don't want to use it when I see it. I use foxmail client

  4. reply lush mountain lush mountain

    Zhihu, Station B, Douban, and Weibo are all things that need scolding.

    1. I know that I hardly log in, just occasionally search for it. Station B doesn't know anything. Douban, I used to listen to Douban FM, but now I forget it. Weibo, it's ok to log in once a month

  5. reply wys wys

    Many children are scolded.
    Many famous people were drowned.

    1. I don't know why I think it makes sense

  6. The developed program was cracked and leaked? It's really disgusting. Although I downloaded some cracking source code and installed them as websites when I was in college, in the long run, we should respect the work of developers, so that some developers will be willing to continue maintenance and get a better use experience.

    1. Cracking is also very simple. It is not so complicated. If you have the ability to crack it, just crack it. But I will not disclose the new version.

      1. reply dddd dddd

        Test some

  7. It seems that I haven't registered that thing, hey It seems that many websites have to verify this thing after not logging in for a period of time.

    1. Verification is OK, but it is issued by the system, but the user is required to send it. Secondly, it is enough to collect mobile phone numbers

  8. I have a WeChat account that I haven't logged in for a long time, but also asked me to send a text message to a 106xxxxxx number, and even sent several messages without verification

    1. Sometimes I'm too lazy to bother, and I feel bored

  9. The richer the more stingy

    1. I don't know anything else. Anyway, Tencent is perfect

  10. Douban Zhihu: I gave up. It seems that someone wants to resell your bookkeeping source code

    1. It has been sold for a long time, which is why I don't release the new version

      1. Well, the domestic network environment is too poor

  11. reply Mo Liang Mo Liang

    The domain name and blog name are good. Haha, but it seems that org is temporarily unavailable in China

  12. I don't know why I think the theme of this style is very good

    1. Thank you, just like it

  13. In the end, all kinds of domestic services can only be cancelled.
    However, the cancellation also requires phone activation, which is more disgusting.

    1. Some do not provide logout at all

  14. This is very painful. I can send messages by myself. In order to save those two cents, I haven't logged in and used Douban seriously for a long time.

  15. I don't know when the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will be able to rectify these platforms that will not be seen without installing apps on mobile terminals. If I have to install them, clicking a link to automatically jump to the app store is the most disgusting. Ps. Find the truth of the author and be amused, hahaha...

  16. It seems that nowadays 8 Chengdu wants SMS, but it is still foreign privacy. You can use email, and SMS verification is not mandatory. Personally, I think these applications collect user information with the real name of the national reminder. Our village head called me every month to ask where I was. He said that it was arranged by the above. I was so angry that I called him directly and didn't have any privacy. Don't national big data know where I am? Buy something at random and pay for your location information.

  17. Today's Internet enterprises are really disgusting. Douban has learned how to log on to Weibo and has to scan the code with the mobile app to log on.

  18. Douban reminded me that I would not log in again after logging in to the APP

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