Blog has been running for eleven years

Time is really fast. I didn't expect this blog to last for 11 years. Although the domain name has been changed several times, the owner is still the original owner. The blog host has been changed in N places, and I can't remember how many times it has been changed, but I can probably remember how many hosts it has changed.

From the beginning of Windows, the space provided by friends; Later, a friend sponsored; Later, Lan Bing, Xiao Zhang, etc. were provided free of charge; Later, I also paid for it and bought other hosting companies (the experience was particularly bad). I went around and now I'm back Fence free host On.

I feel that I have very low requirements for the blog host, and it is OK to use it. So I basically use the virtual host, because I think VPS is not necessary for me.

 Blog has been running for eleven years

After reading the backstage, there are 1370 articles left at present, which is 124.5 articles every year, with an average of 3 days=1 article. I haven't published articles so frequently this year, and the main excuse is that I am busy with my work.

I used to be able to paddle at work, but now there are also paddles. However, due to strict management, I dare not paddle too boldly, so I need to converge appropriately.

Besides, sometimes when I go home in the evening, I have to help my children with homework and reading. Sometimes I don't even touch the computer, so I'm not likely to write articles, and I'm even lazier gradually.

according to About Page The 28th is the 11th birthday of the blog, but I forgot, forgot, forgot

It seems that the 28th is the birthday of the blog, but it has already passed. I can't make it. It's not a big deal.

Today is the last day of the National Day holiday. Go to work as usual, and then punch in and leave on time. There is nothing to say. I don't want to leave early. I think it's very unkind. Recently, we have been asked to work overtime until 19:30 before leaving the company. We are very indignant.

Recently, I want to change jobs again. I talked about one a few days ago. I don't know what's going on below. Wait for news!

70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

Tomorrow (October 1, 2019) is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It's good to have a holiday!

The 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China symbolizes the turning point of economic development that connects the past and the future.

The basic experience of China's economic development in the past 70 years can be summarized from ten aspects, including the successful implementation of three economic reforms, the dual superposition of science and technology as productive forces and science and technology as the primary productive forces, the mutual promotion of industrialization and modernization, and the mutual promotion of industrialization and urbanization, To realize the combination of the substantial growth of rich labor resources and the rapid development of education at all levels, to realize the combination of rich land resources and vast sky resources with industrialization and modern technology, to play the role of excellent cultural traditions, to benefit from the unprecedented development of economic globalization, to benefit from the long-term international peace environment, And give play to the fundamental guiding role of sinicized Marxism.

 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

Now that the holiday is over, let's go back to the countryside and live for a few days. In addition, the highway is free, so we don't have to run up and down. It seems that we are sorry for the policy...


see Blog National Day vacation Anniversary celebration Related articles for

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Comment list (52)

  1. For 15 years, blog has successfully transformed from quarterly report to annual report.

  2. Blogs that are no longer updated are everywhere.

  3. It's really not easy. 11 years may be longer than your marriage. The blog is full of stories and salutes fellow travelers. Although the National Day has passed, it's still a happy holiday.

    1. Indeed, we have not been married for 11 years. National Day has become a thing of the past

  4. I have been working for almost 14 years. Time flies. Now I can check the past records of many things. For example, someone has done a Canadian visa today, and the original information records on Canadian visas come into use immediately. I don't think I can remember the specific visa process clearly.

    1. Yes, some things are still useful after they are recorded. Things in the knowledge base are often to be looked back

  5. I'm late, and I wish you a quick 11th birthday! Blog subtitles have been changed! It's very good to be free of highway fees during the National Day holiday. You can save a lot of travel fees when you go back to your wife's hometown. It only costs one tank of gas.

  6. Slowly became a habit!
    It's not easy to keep writing so much!

    1. Yeah, I'm getting used to it

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