I bought a bag last year

It was really a hard year, very tired, especially tired. I'm so tired that sometimes I don't want to talk.

All kinds of troubles, all kinds of fuck, all kinds of nausea.

Sometimes I wonder how people can be shameless to this extent?

 A shameless man

Some people, looking at the surface really can not see, the heart is really dark. Can't we have a little sunshine? Where am I sorry for you? Use me as cannon fodder.

Years later, I was looking for a new job. I really couldn't continue to feel sick in this garbage place. I was really speechless.

I never thought that it would be like this. I will see you for a long time.

Just be happy!

If you think your conscience will be at peace, you are the one!

Recently, there are some things at home that make me feel helpless and very frustrating.

The holiday will start tomorrow, and we are going back to our hometown for the Spring Festival. I wish you all a happy New Year and good luck in the New Year.



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Comment list (33)

  1. reply lush mountain lush mountain

    As a man, who is tired if you are not tired, who is tired if you are not tired.

    1. It seems that there is something wrong

  2. Every family has its own difficulties. Life is like this, especially in the workplace. Come on!

  3. It is estimated that the old wolf has been beaten by a routine
    Whatever happens to him, it's right to be happy in the New Year

    1. Disgust like eating shit

  4. reply takeman takeman

    Let's celebrate the New Year first, and let the rest go

    1. This is the only way

  5. I don't want to talk about positive energy. I really want to talk about CTMD

  6. If you have money, go home for the Spring Festival. Don't lose heart. Come again.

    1. So I went home without money

  7. Anyway, it's all over. Enjoy the New Year and fight again next year

    1. Indeed, don't think about anything at present, and enjoy the Spring Festival with peace of mind

  8. Happy New Year, blogger

  9. I was disgusted from elementary school and concluded that "human beings have no bottom line".
    Whenever I leave without a hand, there are always some motherly persuasions. I think this stage is the most disturbing.
    So I won't talk about chicken excrement soup.

    1. Decide not to mix with disgusting people after the year, there is no need to be disgusting

  10. timber wolf! Happy New Year! Everything is going well!

  11. The world of adults is only about interests. Fuck you.

    1. It's so disgusting that I can't explain the details one by one

  12. Happy New Year! The Year of the Pig is propitious, the source of finance is GG, and you are healthy.

  13. It doesn't matter. Just don't get sick again!
    Happy New Year!

  14. Happy New Year! two thousand three hundred and thirty-three

  15. I was just saying that you started to work together. This article means that you have left your job???

    1. Soon, it belongs to the rest of the company

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    1. This system is still suitable for PC operation, mainly because its functions are too complex

      1. When you try the demo, I have to say that it is well done, and it can be operated through mobile phone access.

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      3. In particular, tables that are modified in real time.

  17. It takes a long time to do it. If it's not good, you can leave. There's no need to be made cannon fodder

  18. Humanity is that if you don't stay here, you will stay here. Good wishes~

  19. It has been a week since the start of the festival, and the blogger is still thinking about buying bags

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