Kindergarten begins to celebrate Halloween

Kindergarten also celebrate Halloween

Two days ago, my wife received a WeChat message from her teacher, saying that she would prepare Halloween props for her children. What does it mean that a three-year-old boy is going to start Halloween? Have you taught children how to spend traditional Chinese festivals? Without even knowing the basic traditional festivals, they began to know all kinds of foreign festivals.

 Kindergarten also celebrate Halloween

I didn't want to pay any attention to it at first, but I thought about it later. It's better to buy some props and decide to buy a cloak and a hat on Taobao.

Many parents probably have this idea. If you don't prepare for anything later, your child may be looked down upon by teachers or other children. This problem is serious.

Sina Cloud Platform Rushes on the Road to Death

Other people's cloud platforms have started to move towards affordable routes, while Sina's cloud platform has started to move towards what it considers to be the high-end route. It is unexpectedly charged by month to open a new application, starting from 10 yuan per month.

 Sina Cloud Platform Rushes on the Road to Death

If so, what competitiveness do you have? In the past, it was basically relying on Yundou to live, but now it may not work. An app rents 10 Yundous a day, and the traffic is calculated separately. It used to be very cheap (before it was cheaper, even 10 Yundous were not needed), but now it starts at 10 yuan a month. I dare say this is the rhythm of death.

So yesterday, I can only open one on Baidu BAE. The minimum configuration is 0.2 yuan a day, which is what I want. I can delete it when not in use.

Chicken Soup Routine

The fox set up a tablet beside the cliff of the chicken farm, which said: "If you don't fly down bravely, how do you know that you are also an eagle fighting in the sky!"

From then on, the fox could eat those chickens that fell to death at the bottom of the cliff every day!

 soul soother

This story tells us that we should not be swayed by those inspirational "chicken soup for the soul", let alone be blinded by the successful experience of others. We should know ourselves clearly, be sober, and work steadily, otherwise we will die miserably.

-----Because most of what you see is surface! In fact, it's all routine

Yesterday, I moved the office from area B to area A. I suddenly found that the desk was more messy than before



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Comment list (36)

  1. Enter at least 2 Chinese characters

    1. This requires very little, otherwise we are not sure whether it is true love

  2. Halloween is a good time, there is no other festival interference before and after, and the kindergarten school needs to organize an activity to brush the sense of existence.

    1. I send my children to school every day. I feel the existence of kindergarten. Personally, I don't understand the meaning of cultivating since childhood.

  3. My bae is a few cents in arrears, so I hurriedly pretended not to know it was closed.

    1. A few years ago, two applications were also in arrears, but they seemed to be OK. Now they can continue to open... And the previous bill has disappeared

  4. Foreign culture has infiltrated a lot

  5. reply Passer-by Passer-by

    Your desk lacks a strap for combing wires, ha ha

    "Without even knowing the basic traditional festivals, they began to know all kinds of foreign festivals."
    Can't this agree with more, or even universal, phenomena? What kind of April Fool's Day, Christmas, Chinese people use it to live like the real thing

    1. For some children, foreign festivals are very real. Domestic festivals are always like Qingming Festival.
      So the straps refer to nylon straps? Or something else? I have used cable ties to sort out wires inside the chassis...

      1. reply Passer-by Passer-by

        The nylon ties I mentioned are similar to those used on umbrellas, which can be loosened/tied repeatedly.
        The physical effect can be seen in this figure:
        This is what I use now.

        1. Well, it's too tall for a rude person like me. Be prepared to use simple and rough Cut it off and bind it again when you don't want it

  6. reply Small F Small F

    Children will understand the traditional festivals, because only Chinese traditional festivals have holidays

    1. It seems reasonable...
      Would you like to leave a link here? It's not convenient to go there.

      1. In fact, this kind of festival in school is to create atmosphere. After all, kindergarten is mainly about play? My understanding Ha, after all, I haven't experienced

        No address? Because every time I leave a message directly, I don't open the editing materials, and I don't notice

  7. I was despised

  8. I was despised
    Are kindergartens also performance driven, and more projects are rewarded?

    1. I don't know. Anyway, I don't understand such foreign festivals

  9. reply Tikezhi Tikezhi

    Since I left school, the older I am, the less I pay attention to western festivals. On the contrary, I have begun to enjoy traditional festivals. Western festivals are just like new ones; Sina Cloud has used it before. I remember that I deleted the project and still withheld my Yundou until I was in arrears and would not love again; As for the chicken soup for soul, this is an article that makes me feel more disgusting than soft articles. Even the price of chicken soup for soul on major literary websites has risen in most places, but the real good articles are ranked very low. Many people still think that they can "succeed" after watching chicken soup, hehe

    1. Chinese traditional festivals pay more attention to reunion. And there are holidays.
      Sina Cloud: I may not use the Yundou anymore.

  10. Some teachers act as "the dirtiest profession under the sun"! But it was also the idea of silly leader X! There are p's for activities on Halloween!
    Always have no love for Sina (including Baidu) products! Using Netease, Alibaba and Google products!
    Successful experience cannot be copied, or too many Wang Jianlin

    1. I really don't understand why kindergarten has to celebrate Halloween
      How do you feel about Netease products? Netease Cloud??

  11. pretty good

  12. Well, what's the ghost of Halloween... Besides, the desktop is not too messy~~~About the cloud, I'm basically in Tencent Cloud now, and I'm going to transfer my domain name to Tencent Cloud...

    1. A foreign festival, Chinese young people use it as their own festival.
      I dare not shoot even more messy desktop.

  13. Now I am very disappointed with everything in Sina...

    1. In any case, Sina Weibo is becoming more and more speechless

      1. Now the iOS version of the microblog client can't use the left and right slide pictures~~~

        1. If you want to use the client, weico is highly recommended

  14. I actually removed the advertisement from the picture///

    1. Yes, not good looking, affecting the speed. Removed

  15. The fox is smart

  16. In today's increasingly popular cloud, Sina Cloud is killing itself

    1. Fast forward on the way to death

  17. Halloween has invaded children?

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