Use DNSPOD automatic switch to accelerate parsing for free

Free acceleration and random switching

The domain name passed the registration yesterday and can use the domestic free CDN acceleration. Although the speed is not very high, it can at least solve some problems.

When applying for Baidu Cloud Acceleration, the system prompted me to wait more than a day before I could identify the filing information. As an impetuous person like me, how could I be willing to wait for a day? Then I thought of a way to delete the record (which has been added before) and add it again. Hey, identify it until it has been filed.

After a while, I felt that the speed was not very high, so I switched to 360 acceleration. It may be a node problem. One is in Dongguan, the other is in Foshan. I felt that 360 acceleration was faster, so I used it just now. Suddenly, I couldn't access it, so I immediately switched back to Baidu Accelerator. Return to normal.

Then set D monitoring at DNSPOD, and switch resolution records when a fault is found.

The domestic acceleration service can only be used because of the filing.

Qiniu Automation

Yesterday, I applied for binding a custom domain name. Seven Bull asked me to wait 12 hours. I submitted a work order for consultation and replied that "the business server needs to be issued to each CDN acceleration node". It may be scheduled, so it takes time. I passed it at about 16:00 yesterday, bound it up, and felt much better when I saw that the domain name was my own.

Apply for direct access to 360 official website

I saw that 360 had a direct access to the official website. I applied for one without any money anyway. Unexpectedly, it was rejected.


It seems that you can't apply for personal blog. I don't know why you can't apply for personal blog? Isn't this official website? Calculate, do not pull down.

Dear friends and neighbors, do you think that visiting blogs is very slow? Thank you for your feedback!!!


see domain name dnspod three hundred and sixty Seven Cattle Related articles for

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Comment list (18)

  1. It feels like being released from prison, suddenly so productive.

    1. That's right. It's just released

  2. The first access connection is reset... just refresh.

    1. This kind of CDN is often unreliable. I met once this morning and hung up directly. Now automatic switch resolution is set, but there will still be a gap period.

  3. Application is a long process

  4. Baidu Cloud Acceleration is really bad. Last time, Alibaba CDN Unicom pinged for 14ms, instead of CDN Unicom pinging for 22ms, Baidu Cloud Acceleration was actually 21ms. Qiniu's CDN has not been used~

    1. Now, 360 is used. What do you think of the speed

  5. I use 360 CDN

    1. I also use 360 now, which is good in most cases.

  6. reply Lao Yang Lao Yang

    Automatic switch, ideal is beautiful, reality is too skinny.

    1. According to the monitoring of dnspod, switch when there is a problem

      1. reply Lao Yang Lao Yang

        The principle is like this, but the fact is that there is a delay. Even if the switch is switched immediately, the DNS effective delay is there.

        1. The suspension seems to take effect immediately. It was tested yesterday

  7. Report to the boss. I'm here for some advertising

  8. There is still a cache for DNS changes. It may be better to use a single CDN for acceleration

    1. However, if a single CDN hangs up, users in a certain region will not be able to access it. In fact, I think it is OK to switch

  9. Er~~I use it alone to shoot the clouds again... It means it's not bad···

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