About borrowing money

This topic is actually a sensitive one. Many people are afraid of being lent money. So am I.

Of course, there are many reasons for fear. Some are afraid of borrowing without repayment, some are lack of money, some are investing money (stock market or fixed deposit), and some... There are always various reasons and reasons.

For friends, there are thousands of reasons not to borrow money, and there is only one reason to be willing to borrow, which is believable!

I met one not long ago. I haven't contacted him for more than ten years. Then, for some reason, I asked for my number. When I first called me, I began to ask for money. I definitely refused.

The main reasons are as follows: 1. The man's reputation was not very good at first. His friends had been borrowed before, and then he didn't return it. Of course, later I was not sure whether he had returned it or not, and it was hard to mention it; 2. The money I borrowed is not a small sum of money for me. I have to live on it. I only have a fixed salary every month; 3. I own a BMW and a factory. I don't believe that I will lack such a sum of money. I also said that I will pay the employees with it; 4. In fact, bank borrowing is not better?

I borrow money from the bank every month (use credit card). When I feel pressured, I will choose to pay by installment instead of paying more interest. Yes, I am.

 About borrowing money

Of course, the one who just graduated is really poor. He borrowed hundreds of dollars from his friends and later returned them. I won't ask again this time because I'm afraid I won't become a friend. If I borrowed money from someone else, I would certainly pay it back immediately. If I didn't immediately, people would be embarrassed to ask. A friend cannot do it for a long time.

So when the economy is not very difficult, I will not ask people to borrow money. I would rather go to the bank and pay more interest without a favor. In this world, money can be paid back, but human kindness is difficult to pay back.

One more thing, the person who spoke to me mentioned above, and then asked again after a period of time, I found reasons to excuse myself. Not to borrow is not to borrow. It's just because of face saving. It's not a direct refusal. Find a reason. Both sides have their own way.

For those who don't understand the darkness of the day and the night, try to stay away from them. They think that they can save a lot of money because they work for a small salary every month. Of course, I also hope to have a lot of savings. In fact, they are almost spent every month.

If it's a million a year, you should have savings. Just think about it.


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Comment list (8)

  1. Talking about money hurts feelings. I don't usually lend it to others, nor do I want others to lend it to me

    Emergency transfer of credit card

    1. Yes, it is generally handled in this way

  2. I don't usually borrow money if I haven't contacted, but I don't have any money to borrow. When I bought a house, I borrowed money many times. Alas, I can't look back

    1. This kind of experience is often unforgettable

  3. My credit card is always paid in the current period, poor bank

    1. Have been fooled into staging. It will never be staged again

  4. I'm also a victim who hasn't returned it before lending it to my classmates

    1. I can't be a good classmate anymore

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