Pop up expert -- Cheetah browser

Previously, Cheetah Browser was installed to buy tickets on 12306, but now it is a plug-in for ticket grabbing.

It is undeniable that after the 12306 verification code has been upgraded from digital, Cheetah's ticket grabbing plug-in is much easier to use than 360's tool. At least I used it to buy several tickets.

Most domestic browsers have rogue behavior. They secretly run things in the background. This time, I directly found that the list has pop-up windows! And it is still an irrelevant advertisement pop-up window. Just now, I forgot the screenshot accidentally, but 360 blocked it.

There is an interception record. It is located as something installed by Cheetah Browser. See the picture:

 Pop up expert -- Cheetah browser

This is the interception record. The Kingsoft ChuanYue Module is displayed. Click to open the installation directory of Cheetah.

The location is cyui.exe. The signature is Jinshan's. Then it can be determined that the pop-up window is the hoodlum behavior of the cheetah itself.

 Pop up expert -- Cheetah browser

I won't say more about the rest. Anyway, it needs to be used for swiping tickets temporarily, or it must be uninstalled without discussion.

Similar findings were found in Cheetah Forum:

Case 1: http://bbs.liebao.cn/thread-243536-1-1.html  

Case 2: http://bbs.liebao.cn/thread-242778-1-1.html


see browser Jinshan Cheetah browser Related articles for

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Comment list (12)

  1. I like to use Firefox.

    1. I think Chrome is better than Firefox

  2. I dare not install domestic software on my computer. All the domestic software I need to use will be thrown into the virtual machine, because they are too hooligans. Installing them is like running naked on the street

    1. Sometimes I don't think it's necessary to use the virtual machine. It's a bit troublesome

  3. Always use Firefox~

    1. FF is sometimes difficult to use when editing articles

  4. Do not install domestic software if it is not necessary. If it is necessary to use it, it will be used up and unloaded.

    1. Yes, you have to remember this

  5. Always use Chrome+Firefox, sometimes use 360 speed version, sometimes use Sogou... again

    1. Does Sogou still work?

  6. I really didn't encounter the situation of ticket grabbing. I bought train tickets at eLong and never went to 12306, a website and app with poor experience

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