The most economical annual meeting

I joined a new company in 2014, so this is my first annual meeting. I received an early notice from the logistics department that this year's annual meeting will be held in Baiyun Mountain. First, we will climb the mountain, then award the outstanding employees in 2014, and finally, we will go down the mountain to a restaurant to have a meal.

In order to implement some national policies (like a civil service unit), we also practice economy to hold the annual meeting. When we think about it, we are drunk, climb the mountain first, and then eat. It is also very difficult to think of such a training opportunity for everyone.

 The most economical annual meeting

At 11:00 am, we gathered at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, and had the honor of having a morning tea. It was the General Manager of the Business Department who invited us. Thank you!

At about 11:30, I began to climb the mountain, climbed and climbed, and finally reached the peak square. Then I continued to be afraid, and went around the Moxing Ridge. It was already more than 2:00 p.m., and at 3:00, I was honored to win the Outstanding Employee Award. I won't say anything about the award. Anyway, it was imagined that there were few awards, and even the annual meeting had learned from it. What do you want to do?

Then I climbed down the mountain and ate in a restaurant at the foot of the mountain. It's also a common restaurant.

After dinner, I drank a few glasses of wine and went home.

The lottery was saved because there were no prizes. It seems that it is not easy.


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Comment list (9)

  1. The last time I attended the annual meeting was in 2010
    Summary is one word

    1. The problem is, there is nothing to eat. No other activities... There are no prizes

  2. Our company is also forced to be thrifty this year. In addition to the first prize of the iPhone 6, the first prize is Blanket! Not to mention the following awards
    Bury people!
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    1. At least there is hope. I am directly hopeless! No lottery, no prizes, bonuses...

  3. The company is very big, and the logistics department

    1. Dozens of people, not big... Human resources, front desk and drivers all belong to the logistics department

  4. Although it is the first time to hear about climbing the mountain at the annual meeting, I feel it is quite interesting. It is more interesting than sitting together and performing shows It is also healthy.

  5. It's good to have another meal. Let you cry after climbing the mountain

    1. It can't be called an annual meeting. It's a mountain climbing activity

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