WeChat and QQ

Although WeChat is a rising star, it has a strong momentum of development. In addition, the popularity of smart computers has reached the point where people have at least one micro signal. Many people log in to WeChat on their mobile phones without the rhythm of logging in to QQ.

Of course, for an iPhone, if the message prompt is not turned off, you can still receive messages from WeChat and QQ at the same time, even though you are not in the so-called login status.

I am a special Android phone, and the mobile phone configuration is not high, so it is impossible to log in several IM software at the same time. Besides, Android memory management is a wonderful work. So I just log into an IM software.

 WeChat and QQ

Previously, only QQ was installed on the mobile phone, not WeChat. It also persisted for a while, but later I couldn't stand the fact that the file package of QQ mobile version was getting bigger and bigger, taking up more resources and becoming slower and slower. I deleted QQ and installed WeChat. It is found that WeChat is even smoother than QQ, which is too unscientific. So today, there is only WeChat on mobile phones, not QQ.

Due to work needs, the contact is always QQ, so I log in to QQ on the PC, but after work, there are few logs in to QQ. Only WeChat is online, and those who find me through QQ may not have a reply. Especially for QQ group, some offline messages will be received by WeChat, which is a little better. So, please contact me through WeChat during off hours.

Unless I change my phone, there will be no QQ client on my phone.

Slowly, I prefer WeChat to QQ on my mobile phone. But I found that the little friends around me still use QQ more, I don't know why?!


see QQ tencent WeChat Related articles for

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Comment list (16)

  1. There are few friends around me on WeChat and many on QQ. So I haven't used WeChat for a long time.

    1. Yes, there must be many people on QQ. After all, there was QQ before WeChat.

  2. 。。。 I just unloaded WeChat recently. I still think QQ is smoother than WeChat,

  3. I don't like to use anything, especially the things in tx. It may be that the lower right corner of the computer is polluted, so all the software that pops up in the lower right corner will no longer be used. The reason why I changed the iPhone last year is that I was fed up with the slow speed of Android. I had to turn off and turn it back on when I made a call. As I grew older, it became more and more so

    1. There are many advertisements on the PC end. The mobile phone is relatively good, but it's hard to bear eating too much memory

  4. My WeChat is full of messy information

  5. I haven't installed QQ on my mobile phone for a long time. It was also because it was too hard at the beginning. Later, I used WeChat to receive offline. Now no one comes to me on QQ, except my colleagues, can I receive group messages on WeChat offline messages?

    1. WeChat can only receive messages from QQ friends, not QQ groups.

  6. I don't often use WeChat

    1. Some people don't use WeChat very much

  7. There are too many people using WeChat now, and many work groups have been opened to WeChat. WeChat is already a must install software.

    1. Yes, but for me, I'm still not used to typing a lot of words on my mobile phone, nor to pronunciation

  8. This reminds me of the wonderful scene of the company leaders meeting on WeChat!

    1. This is wonderful enough

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