Should rural children not go to college?

"We should not encourage our rural children to go to college, because once they go to college, they will not be able to return to their hometown, which is a tragedy." Wang Ping, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the curator of the Beijing Museum of Chinese Nationalities, spoke surprisingly during the group discussion of the non party group of CPPCC members.

 Should rural children not go to college?

When the media quoted the remarks of this CPPCC member, I just wanted to swear at her. In fact, most of the comments posted on overseas websites, such as the "Literary City", behind this report are attacks or even insults.

What kind of thinking and value judgment made this lady in Beijing speak the subtext of "descendants of farmers, it is better to be farmers in the countryside from generation to generation" without fear?

She has even more ridiculous remarks! She said that China is an agricultural country. Chinese culture depends on the inheritance of farmers. Only by staying in the countryside can Chinese culture be passed on.

With such a level of cognition, this woman, whose origin and background are not yet clear, occupies the high position of curator of the Museum of the Chinese Nation.

In fact, what she said is not too explicit. I can even add a few words for her: "Children in remote mountainous areas of Gansu, Guizhou and Sichuan, especially in rural areas, should not be encouraged to go to college." Is that right? In a small coal mine in Guizhou, a child aged 15 or 6 years old can earn one yuan by carrying coal in the shaft that will collapse at any time!

The industrialization of Chinese education is a national shame. While studying in famous overseas schools, it is difficult for rural children to be admitted to the first-class universities in Beijing and Shanghai as we did in the early 1980s. Now, some people are so evil that they should not even read the "Two Books".

Chinese farmers without land property rights are essentially lifelong tenants. This kind of relationship can not be covered by a subsidy of tens of yuan per mu of land. Unless farmers get the rightful land property rights, they will always be second-class citizens of the People's Republic of China. Their hard fought descendants will also be shamelessly ridiculed as "Phoenix Man" and "Phoenix Woman" by the philistine and snobbish city people! ( via  Huagu Finance  )

Wang Ping said that it is not easy for college students to find jobs at present. Rural children may not find jobs after they go to college, but return to poverty because of learning. She said that on the one hand, it is difficult to obtain employment, and on the other hand, the children of farmers are unwilling to return to the countryside, and only live in cities. However, if the children of farmers study in technical secondary schools or high schools, they will return to the countryside. "They don't have to come to the city. They may develop in the countryside, with technology, goals and happiness."

Wang Ping believes that China, with a population of 1.3 billion, is an agricultural country, and the majority of rural people can only be the carrier of national cultural inheritance in the process of rural survival. "We can't say that it is always backward. We should look at the countryside from a new perspective. You don't know that the 80 or 90 year old man in the field is more educated than us! People sit in the field, look at the sky, and know whether it will rain and whether the harvest is good. Do we have this skill? We don't have any, so our view of culture doesn't mean that we take which kind of diploma to discuss things. " ( via  Sina  )

Although the following words show understanding, the current technology is so advanced that agricultural development can rely on new technology to increase output, or rely on the handed down traditional technology. How can we supply such a large demand? I don't understand this!


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Comment list (9)

  1. Brain damage governs the country.

    1. The statement itself lacks preciseness. Besides, it was misunderstood by the media

  2. Such representatives should be dragged out and killed

    1. I read her comments before and felt that she was not so brainless

  3. Conclusion: The representative grew up in Eating Xiang, so he strongly encouraged others to eat Xiang with her.

    1. Resolutely disobedient

  4. reply Maxsailor Maxsailor

    Brain deficiency, these people hold the tongue.

  5. It's said that people who should not go to college in the countryside are mentally disabled. You don't want to think about whether you were also in the countryside years ago

  6. Although the countryside is no longer what people used to think, science and technology are the primary productive forces

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