How many people have seen these things?

An article the other day, When I was writing about my father I wrote about how I lived as a child. When I was a child, I often had to go to the fields to cut rice due to limited conditions. When I was a child, I was very noisy and often beaten and scolded.

Harvesting in summer is the hottest time. At that time, the whole family went to the fields to harvest. In the past, there was no advanced equipment, so it was basically done manually, cutting rice by hand, and then threshing rice by hand.

Summer is good, but in winter, there is water in the fields. Later, there were semi artificial ones, such as:

I wonder how many people have seen this thing???


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Comment list (8)

  1. I saw it when I was young

  2. The post-80s generation should have seen them.

    1. It must be grown in the countryside

  3. I have never seen the place where wheat is grown. The wheat machine is bigger than this. It needs five or six people to operate it together! But the procedure is the same. They are all harvesting fruits!

    1. When I was very young, I planted wheat in my hometown, but I didn't remember it

  4. The second figure is very advanced. There is another one between the two figures.

    1. Yes, I still have one in my hometown, but I can't find any pictures online...

      1. Remember to take a picture next time you go home.

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