Blog PR value is cleared

It was found yesterday that the PR value of the blog has been cleared. At the beginning, it was suspected that it was a problem of Google's system. It is impossible to think about this. After stabilizing the PR value for 2-3 years, how could it suddenly become zero and be completely plucked. The problem should be in oneself, suddenly thought of two paid links on the blog. My God, it's not worth sacrificing so much for such a small amount of money. Decisively remove the link! Next time you are so greedy, cut your hands!

Recently, Baidu has added another "Green Luo" algorithm. Although it has been online for nearly half a month, the details are still a mystery. It is normal to say that in our country, the details are confidential and cannot be disclosed!

On February 19, the anti cheating team of Baidu's web search announced that links and intermediaries would suffer. On the one hand, it affects the user experience and interferes with the search engine algorithm; On the other hand, the speculative website builders benefit, and the hyperchain intermediaries benefit. The webmaster who really does a good job in the station can not get the due return in this harsh Internet hyperchain environment. Three types of websites will be affected to varying degrees: 1. hyperchain intermediaries; 2. websites that sell links; 3. websites that buy links.

I wonder if I have been punished like this? Baidu's weight has also been reduced a lot. It turns out that Baidu will not receive very few IPs every day. In the last half month, the number has dropped seriously. Baidu weight, I don't care very much, the keyword is PR value is cleared directly, this is a big cup.

Hurry to log in to Google Administrator, and sure enough, Google reminded me on the 24th, but I haven't seen it, which can only blame myself for not paying attention. Causes the PR value to be cleared directly~~

The details are as follows:

About on Notification of "Google Webmaster Tools" on which unnatural links are detected
honorific Website owner or webmaster:
We have detected that some pages of your website may use technologies that violate the Google Webmaster Guide.
Specifically, there may be artificial or unnatural links on your website, which point to other websites with the intention of manipulating PageRank. For example, selling links to promote PageRank or participating in link schemes are unnatural link behaviors.
We recommend that you change your website so that it meets the requirements of our quality guidelines. After making the corresponding changes, please immediately submit your website to Google for review.
If you have other questions about how to solve this problem, please visit our webmaster help forum for support.
Google Search Quality Team

 Grey Wolf blog PR value is cleared

Hurry to cancel the link, and then submit it for review as required. Soon, I received Google's feedback that I had received my application and would review my blog again, hoping to restore my PR3.

 Grey Wolf blog PR value is cleared

When it comes to recovery, I will wait, but I will remember that I will never play such a thing again. There is no need to ruin the blog for a small income. Hang the Baidu Alliance advertisement with peace of mind. If you are willing, please help. If you feel inconvenient, install an advertisement shielding plug-in, and the world will be quiet and peaceful.

By the way, record the current Google search results of the blog, and there is also a sitelink, but there is a gap between different browsers. I don't know who should take the lead. Let's decide for yourself.

 Grey Wolf blog PR value is cleared


see Baidu Google PR Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link:

Comment list (8)

  1. I've always hated selling links, and I know the harm. To be honest, it's not worth the money for those fast food meals. Save snacks by buying fewer times

    1. Yes, I won't do such stupid things anymore.

  2. It's not easy to make PR work!

    1. Yes, but fortunately it recovered yesterday.

  3. Google's search share is getting smaller and smaller. It still depends on Baidu's weight.

    1. Google is often reset. So they were picked up by Baidu

  4. I was also done once, just remove the link!

    1. Your tool station is very good

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