What is your ranking in Baidu

Baidu has always been a poor RP, and its reputation is also poor, but the domestic search engine is very weak. So Baidu was given the top priority. In March 2010, Google forced to leave Although it is still possible to search, some functions, or some keywords, have been thoroughly developed

Do you know the information about Hong Kong singer Andy Lau? Go to Google to check, OH shit, the cup is broken. It hits the wall and hangs up

Do you know what carrots do? Google search, TMD, hit the wall and died

Do you know the outstanding contribution of mathematician Hua Luogeng? Still Google search, TNND, all dead

Everything can't be opened. No way, we returned to Baidu. This is an important reason why Baidu developed. We don't want to use Baidu very much, we are forced to use Baidu!

On the other hand, how about education in China? You know what I know. Although many people have computers and can access QQ, they don't know how to access the Internet. The first thing is Baidu search. I remember the classic operation of a teacher in college. He wants to enter the school homepage, OK, I can't remember the domain name. I can search through Baidu, but I can't remember the Baidu domain name either. Open IE, enter "Baidu" in Pinyin, enter the car, and it seems to be Zhongsou. Then click on Baidu, enter the name of the school "Guangdong * * * College", and finally enter the home page of the school. What a hard thing. However, they still feel that Baidu helped a lot

In fact, just remember that the homepage of the school is * * *. edu.cn. Such a simple and direct thing Forget it. Forgive someone who is a certain age. It's also necessary to respect them. However, you should train more or less about basic computer knowledge. You should still be a college teacher

NND, So far away. Back to the subject. In fact, what I want to say is, what is your website name, or your name's ranking on Baidu? Look at others'

Wan Ge [wange. im], Lao Wan's domain name is also very personalized IM suffix He said that he was the first, OK, let's verify the authenticity:

If it's true, it's the first. The second one is Wange Free Cleaning Supplies Network. Please remember that it's not from other families. As for whose family it is, I don't know. Go to Lao Wan and ask him

Look at what I just saw. Liucheng [liucheng. name] has a special suffix of. name. I have also introduced it Name's domain name .

Originally, Liucheng's blog post was in December, but now it has been in January. It has been surpassed by Baidu Encyclopedia again

One screenshot of his blog is more than Baidu Encyclopedia, so I won't play it. There are too many pictures, I'm bored and slow to death

Look at my word, gray wolf, very speechless

The first and second are all Baidu's, but they are Baidu's encyclopedia and Baidu pictures. I put him in NND. The fourth little gray wolf software is not mine! Don't get me wrong. If any after-sales service comes to me in the future, I'll have a problem

You can also make your own YY and see how you rank in Baidu

Search the Grey Wolf blog, TNND, Birdman Sina Weibo again, you don't want to die, but actually do promotion

If you have a lot of money, come and hit me. No one is going to play anymore. Come and promote


see Baidu Gray wolf Google Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link: https://www.itlu.net/articles/1487.html

Comment list (10)

  1. ha-ha. Most of the time, Baidu Encyclopedia ranked first. Occasionally, it surpasses Baidu Encyclopedia.

    1. It can surpass Baidu Encyclopedia. For Baidu, it has become extremely powerful

  2. It is normal to rank behind the encyclopedia, but it is abnormal to rank at the front

    1. That's also true. It may be a system error

  3. Chrome has a poxy plug-in. For pages that can't be opened, click the plug-in. It's very convenient. Ha ha.
    sendoh, Usually the second

  4. I'm going to kill the disposable products network!!!!

  5. Baidu is not very friendly to me

  6. I don't rank in Baidu, haha

  7. Louis Han, no one can compete with me in China

  8. My keywords are almost all gone

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