New network DNS hangs

When I got up in the morning, a website could not be opened. I asked several people, and someone could open it. But we are in the same city. Strange

ping The IP addresses of domain names are different, which makes me feel even more strange!

I thought about it for a long time, but it was fruitless. Just now, I saw someone on a Q group saying that the DNS of the new network was hung up, and I remembered this possibility. The result is really like this KAO.

New Network Say nothing

The best solution is to change DNS , you can change to DNSPOD My domain names at Yahoo are all free dns of DNSPOD, which is good. Chinese panel is convenient for Chinese netizens

PS: Google has launched a free DNS server. Its IP addresses are and, which is easy to remember. Don't ask me how to use it. Just use it directly


see dns dnspod ping Related articles for

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Comment list (8)

  1. DNS of the new network is hung up... I have an ominous feeling

  2. Now my website can be accessed. It may have been repaired

  3. It's tragic
    Everything has gone

  4. Look forward to 2010 in a year full of disasters

  5. @Blue ice
    bitter cups

    @Louis Han
    Look forward to

  6. Recently, some websites always hang up, hehe

  7. @leecay
    No way, during the exercise

  8. Every website may hang

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