
1. Blog Description

Blog name: Getting Kicked - Wolf Personal Blog

Blog address: https://itlu.net

Blog slogan: Every word left in the blog road of 15 years

Time of establishment: September 28, 2008

Email: aml6aGFuZy5waHBAZm94bWFpbC5jb20= Click me to decrypt>>

2. About Blog History

  1. At present, the first article that can be found in the record is: Introduction and Introduction to HTML Primary Tutorial (which has been cleaned up). At this time, the program is sablog (many articles have been deleted later);

  2. In January 2009, we started with the CN domain name itlobo.cn and submitted it for filing before the Spring Festival. During this period, I used several secondary domain names;

  3. In April 2009, I bought a new domain name itlobo.com at Yahoo through proxy registration;

  4. On May 4, 2009, itlobo.com was put on record and passed. At the same time, itlobo.cn was redirected to itlobo.com and embarked on the path of international domain name;

  5. On December 29, 2009, Blog summary The relevant information is mentioned in, so the site establishment date is temporarily set as the date of the first article September 28, 2008

  6. On June 10, 2015, the new domain name itlu.cc was used as the domain name of the Grey Wolf blog, and the website name was changed to: Grey Wolf IT Road;

  7. On April 20, 2016, some historical articles were cleared up, All articles before September 2009 are deleted

  8. On August 21, 2016, the blog domain name was changed to itlu.org;

  9. October 8, 2016, website Filing passed , change all the addresses of Yupaiyun and Qiniu into secondary domain names;

  10. On July 7, 2023, the blog domain name will be changed to itlu.net.

3. Subscribe to this blog

Subscription address: https://itlu.net/feed

4. Blog modification record

Note: Previously, a notepad was used for recording, mainly for the modification of system source code, so that it can be modified again when upgrading in the future (it cannot be realized by modifying the theme temporarily)

  1. On March 2, 2015, the announcement function on the home page, ads field and background editing function were added, with 99 and 218 lines of Widget Options General.php;

  2. Add the function of displaying reviewer regions, and add<? php if($this->user->hasLogin()): ?>< span class="ip">(<?php echo convertip($this->ip);?>)</ Span><? Php endif;?>(only visible to me) 121 lines of Widget/Comments/Archive.php;

  3. Add comment link jump and encryption, Widget/Abstract/Comments. php 376 lines;

  4. In the comment area, the position of the "Reply" button is changed to the upper right corner, and there are 118 lines of Widget/Comments/Archive.php;

  5. Change Chinese to numbers, such as "one day ago" to "one day ago", Typecho l18n.php dateWord function;

  6. Widget/Abstract/Comments.php, Replace the gravatar function in line 390 and modify the avatar;

  7. On August 18, 2016, the avatar was changed to the cdn.v2ex.com acceleration service, which was originally cached to Qiniu by Duoshuo. Because the avatar was not updated for a long time, it was old.

  8. On August 21, 2016, the background floor was configured as 3 floors, and each floor was modified to have a "Reply" button. The Widget/Abstract/Comments. php 485 line was removed$ This ->isTopLevel judgment condition

Reward the blogger for drinking water