It is reported that Avita has comprehensively transformed the dealer channel mode, and employees can choose to join the dealer

2024/5/21 10:39:24 Source: IT Home Author: Pei Lin (Internship) Editor in charge: Wang Miao
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IT Home On May 21, it was reported that Li Batian, a blogger @ new channel, broke the news that Avita had comprehensively transformed its dealer channel model, and he said that Avita's official subsidies and compensation measures for shop assistants were "particularly meticulous and considerate".

The blogger said that when Avita was transforming into a dealer model, the handling methods for front-line sales and store manager employees were as follows:

  • Employee absorption : Avita officials will try their best to let dealers absorb all direct employees, especially in the early stage of transformation.

  • Salary treatment In the first half of the year, Avita will subsidize part of the base salary and commission (the proportion varies from place to place) to ensure that the salary of employees is not too different from that before. After half a year, the basic salary and commission shall be decided by the dealer.

  • Salary guarantee : Although there may be some salary changes, Avita officials and dealers will make efforts to ensure that the basic income of employees remains stable.

During the mode conversion period, store employees have two choices:

  • Choose to leave : If the employee is unwilling to transfer to the dealer and chooses to leave, Avita will compensate n+1.5

  • Select to transfer to dealer : Employees can choose to join dealers and continue to work under the new business model. Avita will officially compensate n+1 (Note of IT Home: the blogger said that the shop assistants will generally choose to transfer to the dealer, and the salary will not be significantly reduced for at least six months, which is better than the compensation of 0.5)

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