The launch of the ideal pure electric SUV will be postponed to the first half of next year, and there is no plan to reduce the price of the L series later

2024/5/20 20:58:49 Source: IT Home Author: ocean Editor in charge: ocean

IT Home On May 20, it was reported that Li Xiang, CEO of Ideal Auto, said on the quarterly financial report conference that Ideal Auto would not release pure electric SUV products this year, but would postpone the release to the first half of next year.

Regarding the pure electricity strategy, Li Xiang also said that at this stage, it is necessary to sell medium and high-end pure electricity and self run overcharge piles. Self operated overcharged piles should reach the similar quantity of Tesla, which is the right time for the product to be introduced to the market. In addition, it is desirable to upgrade and add more store booths to support more model sales.

Li Xiang said that the ideal L6 has been widely recognized; Under the new price strategy, the ideal L9, L8 and L7 also showed a continuous positive performance. "On the whole, we will be very optimistic about the next monthly sales performance. After the adjustment of the price strategy, the order volume of L7, L8 and L9 continues to grow, and the company has no plan to reduce the price subsequently 。”

IT Home previously reported that, Ideal Auto Today Announces First Quarter 2024 Financial Report as of March 31 According to the data, the revenue of the quarter was 25.6 billion yuan, and the market expected 25.58 billion yuan. The revenue of the same period last year was 18.79 billion yuan, up 36.4% year on year and down 38.6% month on month. The net profit of Ideal Auto in this quarter was 591.1 million yuan, down 36.7% year on year and 89.7% month on month. Not complying with the US GAAP, the net profit was 1.3 billion yuan, down 9.7% year on year and 72.2% month on month.

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