BionicBee, the smallest bionic aircraft in the world, came out: it adopts flapping wing scheme, weighs 34g, and can use UWB technology for cluster flight

2024/5/10 14:01:13 Source: IT Home Author: Yangzai Editor in charge: Yangzai

IT Home On May 10, it was reported that German Festo recently released a press release, announcing its Bionic Bee. Compared with the traditional multi axis UAV, the bionic bee adopts a flapping wing flight scheme (the wings beat back and forth 180 degrees to provide lift), claiming to have been able to achieve "fully autonomous flight".

▲ Image source official website of Festo, Germany (the same below)

IT Home learned that, BionicBee bionic bee has a length of 22cm, a wingspan of 24cm, a wing vibration of 170 °, a frequency of 15Hz, and a takeoff weight of 34g , which supports complex hovering/swerving operations, and is said to be the "smallest bionic aircraft in the world" so far.

The internal structure of this' bee 'is very compact, integrating wing flapping mechanism, communication technology components and control components for flapping wings and adjusting their geometry. The official adopted a space saving construction method, in which a brushless motor, three servo motors, batteries, reducers and various circuit boards were installed. The motor and mechanical device can realize intelligent cooperation, so as to accurately adjust the wing flapping frequency and complete different actions.

In addition, BionicBee is also equipped with an ultra wideband (UWB) system, which allows it to form an optimal "hive" array with other bionic bees in the environment, and can follow the preset path to achieve collective flight.

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