Xinjiang: After the earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred in Wushi County, part of the network's civil AI forged relevant content to seriously mislead others

2024/1/23 17:34:45 Source: IT Home Author: Qingyuan (Internship) Editor in charge: Qingyuan

IT Home On January 23, it was reported that this afternoon, the Internet Information Office of Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang, issued a statement to dispel the rumor: in view of the graphic information spread on the Internet that "a residential building in Aksu was shaken and skewed by the earthquake", it was found through verification with relevant departments that the building in the picture was a residential building in Phoenix Community, Aksu City, Troubleshooting No potential safety hazards such as tilt of the building caused by earthquake are found The online pictures are the tilt of the building caused by the building design and shooting angle Visual error

At the same time, some We Media accounts spread false pictures, texts and video information about "serious road damage" and "house collapses" in Wushi County, as well as netizens Use AI automatic generation technology to synthesize new content of information about the M7.1 earthquake in Wushi County, old network pictures, and even foreign news pictures and publish them on the Internet platform , seriously misleading other netizens.

At 2:9 on January 23, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred in Wushi County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang. At present, the first batch of central disaster relief materials have arrived in the earthquake area, all trains affected by the earthquake have resumed operation, and the production and living order of the masses is normal.

IT Home with Aksu Internet Information Office Reminder:

Please take the official information as the criterion, and consciously resist and actively report online false information. For illegal acts such as deliberately fabricating, spreading rumors and disturbing public order on the Internet, the online information department will work with the public security organ to crack down on them in accordance with the law.

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