WeChat released the top ten rumors in the circle of friends in July, including "Holiday during the Hangzhou Asian Games?"

2023/8/4 16:17:45 Source: IT Home Author: Ze Long (Internship) Editor in charge: Taki Takagi
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IT Home On August 4, it was reported that the WeChat Security Center announced the top ten rumors in the circle of friends in July 2023, including "Holidays during the Hangzhou Asian Games?".

In response to the rumor that "there will be a holiday during the Hangzhou Asian Games?", Zhejiang Anti rumor Platform and China Blue News said that after verification, this content was a rumor. Officially: During the Hangzhou Asian Games, there will be no stoppage of production, and people's livelihood will not be affected

In addition, there is a rumor that "there is dividend income from paying electricity fees in the 'State Grid' App?" Nanjing News said that after verification, this content is inconsistent with the facts. In fact, the so-called "State Grid" App can not be found in the formal app store. The real national grid app is called "Online State Grid" Before downloading relevant apps, you can call the official contact information published on the whole network to confirm the authenticity of the event. Be more careful when the downloaded software is inconsistent with the promotion description.

The following are the top ten rumors in the WeChat circle of friends in July. What do you think of the children of IT Home?

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  • Is there any dividend income from paying electricity fees in the "National Grid" App?

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  • Holiday during the Hangzhou Asian Games?

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