Win8 pain? Comment on 6 operating systems that are killing you

2013/9/2 8:35:48 Source: Netease Technology Author: Binghan Editor in charge: long

According to foreign media reports, after years of development, the existing operating system can help us operate various computers in a more effective way. However, in the evolution process of operating systems, not every released operating system will make our life better. Many versions of operating systems are slow, sluggish and bloated to the point of embarrassment.

You may have a headache or two operating systems in your mind, but in fact, the number of such operating systems has exceeded your imagination. If you think Win8 If it makes you suffer, the following operating system will make you miserable. We selected six of the most failed operating systems for comment.

Windows 1.0 - 1985

Windows 1.0 is the first graphical interface operating system of Microsoft, which has to be said to be super rotten. Microsoft finally abandoned the beta version. Finally, the bug ridden Windows 1.01 was introduced to the public.

MS-DOS4.0 - 1988

MS-DOS itself is an excellent operating system. But an elite family often has scum. After Microsoft successfully launched MS-DOS 3.3, it still worked tirelessly to fix various bugs. So Microsoft released MS-DOS 4.0 in 1988 to replace version 3.3, but users quickly rolled back to version 3.3 after trial. Constant program crashes and computer crashes make people not want to use MS-DOS 4.0 for a moment. Of course, this is due to Microsoft's garbage level memory addressing code.

JavaOS - 1996

Sun and IBM have jointly created Java OS for embedded systems, but this was a very bad idea from the beginning. The Java language has a very low time efficiency. This operating system developed with Java has only existed for three years, and it stopped developing. However, this has inspired some open source developers to continue to develop Java based operating systems, such as Jnode and JX.

Windows ME - 2000

After Microsoft released Windows 2000, it felt necessary to release another version of Windows for some incomprehensible reasons. So in the same year, the operating system called Windows ME (Millennium Edition) was launched. However, it is a buggy, slow and extremely unstable operating system. This operating system almost made people lose the courage to complain. Microsoft stopped selling this product after selling it for a year.

Lindows - 2001

This is actually a great idea: let the Linux operating system run Windows applications. But this just sounds great, in fact it is a disaster. The project was abandoned after only a few months. To make matters worse, Lindows was sued by Microsoft. Because Microsoft believes that the company name infringes the Windows trademark. The final outcome of the lawsuit is that Microsoft acquired the Lindows trademark.

Windows Vista - 2006

Windows Vista, Microsoft's recent failure. It is sometimes called the second version of Windows Me. Vista It is the first operating system designed with the current Windows desktop UI. However, Vista runs very slowly, occupies a high proportion of resources, and has many hardware compatibility problems. Forced many users to reinstall Windows XP until Windows7 Things change when they happen.

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