Tencent Cloud's free SSL certificate has been adjusted to free for three months, and the existing certificate has ended

Presumably, many friends like Chiang choose Free SSL Certificates are still common. After all, there is no difference from the experience, as long as you can see that HTTPS has a lock, it does not have much impact on website content. Because for many friends' websites, there is no so-called user data transmission. They are all content based websites. However, the trend needs and concerns about DNS hijacking. We will still use HTTPS. But we should know that if Tencent Cloud is used Free SSL For certificates, the policy will be adjusted from one year free certificate to three months free certificate from the end of this month.

That is to say, if the certificate we apply for later is free for only three months, we need to apply again if it expires. If the existing certificate does not affect the use of the certificate, it can be used until the end of one year.

It is said that the channel policy has changed, but we can also imagine that today's profit model is not so obvious, and many free products have started to charge or increase prices. Therefore, my personal suggestion is that if you use a certificate that expires in a few months, you can replace it every three months if you don't mind the trouble. If you don't mind the trouble, it's also good to choose a cheap paid SSL certificate like Chiang.

Recommended reading  How much is the price of SSL certificate per year? Recommend a cheap SSL service provider I often use How much is the price of SSL certificate per year? Recommend a cheap SSL service provider I often use Although there are many channels to provide free SSL certificate services in the market, it is recommended that we choose paid SSL certificates if we use them for commercial business. Whether from security encryption strictness, decency, or even through some browser compatibility and bonus options, SSL certificates have some advantages. Generally, the SSL certificate we choose is based on the number of domain names, the purpose of the project, and the subject. The price is [ Date: 2023/1/20 read the whole passage

My commonly used certificates are Namecheap and SSLs, which are actually products of brother companies. The latter is cheaper. If you buy it for five years, the average price is about 20-30 yuan a year.

Source: Lao Jiang Tribe » Tencent Cloud's free SSL certificate has been adjusted to free for three months, and the existing certificate has ended |Welcome to share (public account: Chiang's circle of friends)

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