

Improve the opening speed of Gravatar avatar by using Qiniu image storage cache


Published by Lao Jiang on 2018-05-21 13:02:54

We use Gravatar avatar by default in the WordPress system, but sometimes various line problems cause the default path to open slowly, which will delay the opening speed of the website. So we need to find a way to solve this problem. Some netizens directly localize their avatars. In fact, we can also store and cache Gravatar avatar images in Qiniu Cloud storage. After all, Qiniu cloud storage is free


The method of automatically generating two-dimensional code for WordPress website articles

Published by Lao Jiang on 2018-05-08 08:27:26

When browsing some blogs, Jiang saw that some friends generated automatic QR codes at the bottom of each article or at a specific prominent position, so that if you need to browse the site on your mobile phone, you can scan the QR codes directly and read them on your mobile phone. How is this QR code function realized? In fact, Lao Jiang also mentioned some QR code interfaces in his article "Automatically generate the QR code effect of website images using the QR code api". alike...


Sort out common WordPress friendship link call parameters and application cases

Published by Lao Jiang on 2018-01-05 09:32:56

If we use the WordPress program, it normally has a built-in friendship link module. You can call the friendship link directly by dragging the module to the sidebar in the gadget. However, if we customize that a friendship link needs to appear in a certain location or some themes are not set, we need to set and call the friendship link ourselves. For WordPress friendship link function, we can refer to wp_l


WordPress background "header information - headers already sent by" problem


Published by Lao Jiang on December 5, 2017 12:26:59

The update frequency of WordPress program is really fast, and it was upgraded to 4.9.1 a few days ago. It is also normal that some minor compatibility problems will occur during the version replacement process. Today, I encountered a WordPress website in a virtual host, and there was an error when I logged in to the background. header information - headers alr...


WordPress can automatically obtain keywords and descriptions without plug-ins

Published by Lao Jiang on October 24, 2017 at 11:32:42

If we use the original WordPress program, some user experience and search engine experience settings are not ideal, but if we choose some themes, these functions may come with us. For example, we can also use plug-ins to automatically obtain the settings of title customization, keywords and descriptions. In previous articles, Jiang also shared that "WordPress does not have plug-ins to implement titles, keywords, descriptions..."


WordPress excludes specified articles/classified content from being displayed by the site search

Published by Lao Jiang on October 16, 2017 at 13:46:48

WordPress is currently the most used CMS program. As long as we need any function, we can basically search for such article solutions. This is one of the reasons why many users like to use WordPress. Because some CMS looks good, but few technical documents provide solutions. For example, ZBLOG program Lao Jiang also gradually stopped using it. I met a customer enterprise today


Call the latest WordPress editing/modifying article list method

Published by Lao Jiang on October 16, 2017 at 13:34:38

When we adjust the WordPress program to call articles, we may see a list of the latest articles, popular articles, and the number of hot articles. However, if there are some articles that we updated earlier, and if there are changes and re edits recently, such articles also need to be re edited and called as editing articles, so that users can be informed that the article has been updated. First, call the script//


Forbid WordPress background editing theme and plug-in operations to ensure security


Published by Lao Jiang on October 12, 2017 at 13:49:33

If we have installed and used WordPress programs, we must know that under normal circumstances, we can edit and modify themes in the background, as well as install and uninstall plug-ins. However, even though it is convenient, there are some security problems sometimes. For example, when we operate background user permissions, we may set administrator permissions for some user roles, but we are worried about the processing of topics and plug-ins


Get the real IP address of WordPress visitor comments/messages


Published by Lao Jiang on October 10, 2017 at 13:32:20

The WordPress program should be the website CMS that we use most, personal blogs, corporate websites, and article systems can all be used. But there is a big problem that it is easy to be sent comments by various mass sending software. Although we can achieve protection through some plug-ins, it is also troublesome to comment artificially, because Chiang still sees many netizens who are patient and send comments manually


WordPress 4.8 official release

Published by Lao Jiang on 2017-06-09 07:26:28

According to the previous agreement, WordPress 4.8 will be officially released on 6.8. This morning, it was released as expected (jet lag problem). This update is the first major version update in 2017, which was developed by Matt, the founder of WP. At present, the Chinese version has not been released, but it doesn't matter if you need to upgrade, you can download the English version update directly, without affecting the Chinese language pack in the background. This time Wor