Scripting Page 2

Using CSS style and WordPress replacement style to realize the method of adding hyperlink icon to website content link

Published by Lao Jiang at 2021-12-23 10:50:43

Do we netizens see an icon in the back or front when they visit some blog websites with text links in their content? This is really easier for users to click and open than our direct text clicking. It is a way to improve the user experience. How is this style implemented? In this article, Chiang organized several common methods. One is the direct CSS style before the article link

What does the math. floor in JS mean? Math. ground()/Path. ceil()/Path. floor()

Published by Lao Jiang at 11:17:03 on December 16, 2021-16

Today, when Lao Jiang was using JS code to adjust the random display of advertisements, he saw a piece of code that used math.floor, because I had used Math.round before. This is the first time I have encountered it. Maybe I copied it before without looking carefully. Here is a simple collation of Math. ground()/Path. ceil()/Path. floor()

One sentence style code to achieve CSS3 background gradient effect

Published by Lao Jiang on October 13, 2021-13 16:48:49

Here, Mr. Jiang needs to set a background gradient color for a customer's website. Seeing that the color matching effect of this group is good, he records these scripts and can use them later if necessary. The implementation method is to use CSS3 background gradient effect. The current gradient effect is used here. Background: linear gradient settings

Add the code implementation method of visiting the top of the page to the website separately

Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-07-30 14:44:32

Generally, we will add a small floating button on the right side to access the top of a website with a relatively long page, and we can click it to directly return to the first screen of the website. When such problems often occur, Jiang will collect and sort out a common code script, and paste it directly when needed. Here, I will record all the methods I have collated into the website, and friends in need can choose. At the same time, it is also convenient for me to reply again later

Gitee failed to push the updated version, prompting "Updates were rejected" error


Published by Lao Jiang on August 16, 2020 09:27:14

In some cooperative office development, it is better to use GIT version control. In addition, some open source software provides easy version iteration for downloading and publishing on GITHUB or GITEE. Otherwise, the latest version of the release package will be repackaged every time. But the former is not fast enough in China, so Chiang recently began to prepare to use GITEE. When pushing version updates, the error

Record the jquery. collorpicker component to quickly implement the text box color picking function


Published by Lao Jiang on 2019-08-26 07:00:35

Lao Jiang needs to complete the front end of a software function, one of which is to realize the color picking function of the form. If you input the color directly, most users will not. In order to experience better, you must have the color picking module directly. The default input has the color Type attribute, but this attribute experience is not good enough. Here, Chiang found that“ https://github.c...

Use CSS to control the content to be displayed separately on PC or mobile terminals

Published by Lao Jiang on August 12, 2019 08:44:55

Today, a netizen hoped that Laojiang would give some help. The website that the classmate did hoped to add advertising code to the theme, so that it could be displayed on the mobile end, but not on the PC end. It is said that it has taken two hours to find all the online codes and has not solved the problem. At first, I also thought of using JS code to judge the user client, and then displaying them separately. I felt that it was too troublesome. Why not use CSS to control it directly? For example, we

Easily implement PHP random picture display function code sorting

Published by Lao Jiang on 2019-07-23 11:16:19

Some customers need to call the article thumbnail in the content list, but sometimes the added content uses the random thumbnail without pictures, but sometimes the program can't conveniently call random pictures. Here, Lao Jiang uses a convenient method to directly display all random thumbnails in the template in a common way. These pictures are local, and even if there are pictures in the content, they are not displayed to him, but all used with

JS code sorting at the bottom of mobile terminal of floating ad adaptive mobile phone

Published by Lao Jiang on 2019-06-19 16:56:41

Yesterday, a netizen asked whether it is possible to import advertisement code at the bottom of the mobile terminal, and then fix the JS code of picture style at the bottom. Here, the available methods are sorted out directly. Later, they can be used after testing. I also record it here. If you need it later, you can use it directly. First, CSS style part<style>. targeting T {mar

Several Methods of Modifying CSS Style to Realize Gray/Black and White Code of Web Page

Published by Lao Jiang on 2019-06-05 20:01:05

This morning, some netizens mentioned that they wanted to change the overall color of the website to gray and black. This will be useful when commemorating some days in the past. In the early years, Old Jiang also used it in his blog. I remember that at that time, it was possible to modify CSS directly. Since there was a need for users, Mr. Jiang took some time to sort it out and see if there were other better methods. We can choose the appropriate CSS according to the actual needs