Front end resource application Page 3

WordPress follows the public account visible content plug-in (public account drainage tool)


Published by Lao Jiang on December 25, 2020 09:17:11

We are sure that many webmasters see that the hidden content of some websites and blogs can be seen only by replying to comments and members' VIPs, and some can be displayed only after scanning the code to follow the public account to get the verification code input and activation. However, one such WordPress plug-in that Laojiang saw earlier is to set a fixed verification code in the plug-in, and then prompt the user by automatically replying to the WeChat official account. But

Installation and download of WPBOS Baidu Cloud object storage plug-in in cooperation with Baidu Cloud Server


Published by Lao Jiang on December 24, 2020 at 21:06:11

Laojiang believes that many friends have used the object storage plug-in based on WordPress program developed by us, so that we can cooperate with third-party object storage to separate static files of the website and improve the access speed of the website. Previously, some netizens mentioned that when they used Baidu ECS, the speed was relatively slow due to the configuration of 1M bandwidth, and they also hoped to use object storage. When we use object storage, we try to make

Using Prism.js Script Tool to Realize the Highlight Effect of Web Code


Published by Lao Jiang on January 21, 2020 09:50:59

If we are a webmaster related website blog, if we need to quote some script code, we usually see code highlighting effect, so the user experience is better. There are many ways to implement code highlighting. For example, WordPress also has code highlighting plug-ins or manually implements CSS styles to achieve code highlighting. What Chiang wants to share in this article is that Prism.js gadget can realize

"429 Too Many Requests" problem occurs when WordPress program cannot be downloaded


Published by Lao Jiang on November 3, 2019 11:42:13

It is certain that many netizens, like Jiang, have the problem of "429 Too Many Requests" when they open the official website of WordPress, and they need to refresh several times before the main page can appear normally. Some netizens said it was caused by attacks, some said it was caused by DNS failures, and some said it was caused by unstable servers. In short, no matter what the problem is, we can't download the program

360 applet open platform joins applet competition market


Published by Lao Jiang on 2019-06-25 07:43:33

The Internet is changing every day, and many products are changing users' lives and surfing habits with the needs of users. From the PC end to the mobile phone APP end, we can see various small programs. For example, WeChat applet, Baidu applet, Alipay applet, and the 360 applet to be introduced here are all sticking to users through their own inherent traditional software compatible applet. 360 applet is running on PC

GoDaddy Email Marketing Email Marketing EDM tool application summary


Published by Lao Jiang on January 22, 2018 08:32:22

In the previous four articles, Lao Jiang has sorted out the application of GoDaddy Email Marketing online email marketing tool. From the perspective of actual price cost, deployment complexity, and ease of use, it is relatively easy to get started and cheaper. The second advanced scheme I choose is to pay 70 yuan in the first month after using coupons. If it is an annual payment scheme, it only needs about 50 yuan per month on average

GoDaddy Email Marketing Series - Campaigns Design and Layout Email Template


Published by Lao Jiang on 2018-01-19 09:43:55

In the previous GoDaddy Email Marketing articles, Mr. Jiang has been able to simply subscribe, manage users through email marketing, and push emails normally. As long as we can obtain and import users, there is basically no problem in pushing. According to the number of people and the number of emails, we can upgrade to other schemes and increase the number of users and emails separately if we are not enough. We are usually willing to

GoDaddy Email Marketing Series - Subscriber Import/Add Management


Published by Lao Jiang on 2018-01-17 09:32:46

In the previous article (creating email template Campaign and testing EDM), Jiang has experienced the effect of GoDaddy Email Marketing EDM mass mailing. Whether it's from creating templates and configuring group content, we can directly use drag and drop mode, or we can import HTML prepared email templates by ourselves. It's easy to pass a simple group test. Only need

GoDaddy Email Marketing Series - Create Email Templates Campaign and Test EDM


Published by Lao Jiang on January 16, 2018 12:31:35

In the previous article "GoDaddy Email Marketing Series - EDM Email Marketing Tool Registration and Comparison", Jiang saw that Godaddy merchants provide email marketing business, so he tried to apply for a medium scheme. Yesterday was just the first time to contact and purchase, but we didn't see how to use it. So in this article, I will put GoDaddy Email Marke

GoDaddy Email Marketing Series - EDM Email Marketing Tool Registration and Comparison


Published by Lao Jiang on January 15, 2018 09:40:40

As users, we often receive email advertising information from various industries, some of which are really useful information. Nowadays, there are many ways of online marketing, among which email marketing is also one of the existing and effective marketing methods. In Chinese projects, we may not use email very often (maybe we are ignorant and wrong), but in foreign trade, overseas project marketing and customer communication, email marketing is