Front end resource application Page 2

Use the pagoda panel Docker to quickly install Halo lightweight blog program (open source Java blog system)


Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-09-23 10:34:18

A few days ago, Lao Jiang saw netizens discussing building a lightweight blog program Halo. Halo's blog system is an open source blog system developed in Java. These lightweight blog programs are different from our commonly used PHP+MYSQL programs in that they are very lightweight, fast in response, but slightly more complex to build. In this article, Old Jiang plans to deploy security quickly with the help of Docker on the pagoda panel

Pagoda panel environment deployment Matomo open source website traffic analysis tool (self built website statistics tool)


Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-09-22 10:31:50

Generally, our website may use Baidu Statistics and Google Statistics more often. But for some personalized business statistics, we may also use paid or free statistical tools. For example, we can use Matomo to deploy our own website statistical tools in the server. This Matomo tool is an open source website traffic analysis tool. In this article, Lao Jiang will use the pagoda panel to deploy

Pagoda panel theme beautify and replace with a new and different pagoda panel template interface


Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-09-09 13:49:34

Under normal circumstances, we can use the pagoda panel directly. The default interface is also good looking and has a good experience. Today, Lao Jiang saw that some netizens like tossing and turning, and unexpectedly he changed the default pagoda panel to a custom theme. It is not very useful in terms of function, but I may like to toss and turn on the interface slightly. If we want to change a theme for our pagoda panel, we can try this theme. Here we go to file management

WPTAO Taobao guest plug-in authorization code extraction and plug-in activation method


Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-08-31 10:28:46

Old Jiang originally planned to check whether the WPTAO Taobaoke plug-in had a discount on the Double 11, but considering that it was still several months away, a website project that had not been considered was ready to be built. So we started the second WPTAO Taobaoke plug-in at the weekend. I didn't think this plug-in used by my classmates was very good before, but after more than a month of experience, I found that the efficiency has improved a lot. According to the familiar field

Using clipboard.js copy and paste JS plug-in to copy page specific text buttons

Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-05-28 10:30:35

When we design the website, some effects need to be constantly improved user experience. For example, the WeChat, phone number, discount code and other information on our page should not be copied directly by users. It is a good experience if you can directly click the button to copy the effect directly. Here we can use clipboard.js to copy and paste the JS plug-in implementation. WeChat:<span id="ta

A Swiper JS based image slideshow carousel case file package source code download


Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-05-28 10:07:03

When we are building enterprise websites, we usually have a slideshow carousel effect at the head. In the early years of the past, FLASH special effects were often used, but they were basically eliminated. Now they are all implemented with AJAX or directly using the Swiper JS image slide show carousel. Here, Lao Jiang found a case on the Internet and directly packed it and shared it with me, so that I can use it later

7 relatively old and popular PHP WEB mail client application tools "You have used them"


Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-05-25 10:46:57

Some of our netizens need to deploy their own post office tools in their own independent servers and hosts for foreign trade business. After all, when we choose a third-party free or paid post office, we need to pay or review strictly. In fact, it is still relatively simple for us to build our own post office. There are many free open source PHP WEB post office programs, but which of these post office service programs do we choose

WPOBS Huawei Cloud Object Storage WordPress plug-in is suitable for supporting Huawei Cloud Server


Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-03-23 20:12:05

This Huawei cloud object storage plug-in should be our last segment of object storage plug-in, which basically includes the regular ECS merchant object storage plug-in. Originally, this plug-in was not intended to be developed, but some netizens mentioned that they were using Huawei ECS. They hoped that there would also be a plug-in, so they asked Mr. Zhao to iterate over our previous plug-ins after work. Let's take a look at WPOBS Huawei Cloud Pair

FileZilla Installation Tutorial Record and FileZilla Official Website Identification and Download Suggestions


Published by Lao Jiang on March 12, 2021 16:45:24

At noon, a netizen asked Jiang You about the FTP software available for learning to build a website. I usually use SFTP, which is downloaded together with our commonly used XSHELL SSH software. But this student uses a MAC system computer, so the two software I mentioned do not have a MAC version. For SSH software, you can use the MAC client, but the FTP software is not yet available

Detailed implementation of the local PHP demo working environment in the php studio installation tutorial


Published by Lao Jiang on 2021-03-01 13:41:37

For site builders, we certainly do not directly develop and debug the client's website project on the server side, but first demonstrate and test in the local environment, and even add some data before directly packaging and launching. The local PHP demo environment is usually installed with the phpstudy software, and the old version has always been used. Some editing software versions are incompatible, so we are going to upgrade the security