Evaluation Notes Page 4

How about the performance of JTTI Hong Kong VPS? Sort out JTTI Hong Kong CN2 VPS and speed evaluation


Published by Lao Jiang on January 15, 2024 11:40:11

As a newly established Singapore host company JTTI, we can see that it has developed rapidly in just a few years. It provides data centers in Singapore, Hong Kong and the United States, and its products are relatively rich. For example, there are ECS, high bandwidth server, station cluster server, multi IP station cluster server and advanced anti DDoS server products. Many of our friends may choose CN2 boutique network optimization route. Among them, we can see

Count the N advantages of Amazon ECS (not only free experience but also a full range of cloud services)


Published by Lao Jiang on December 25, 2023-17:53:38

We used to choose cloud service providers to find out whether they often encountered server instability, businesses often ran away, or businesses used to excuse themselves to maintain internal failures. Now, with the entry of major Internet companies into the cloud service market, the businesses we choose are much more stable than before, both in terms of technology and product stability. At the same time, with the competition from major server vendors and the strength of these big cloud service providers, I

Simply compare the free VPS packages for new customers of three major overseas cloud server vendors


Published by Lao Jiang on December 6, 2023-111:07:32

For the need of foreign trade server business, we can check whether the merchants provide free experience when we choose overseas servers at the initial stage. For example, we see that domestic cloud service providers have free applications for one month or three months of ECS experience. If it feels good, you can continue to use it. Similarly, in our foreign trade business, we have selected many cloud server vendors, but not many have free experience. In this article, Chiang

LEICA Cloud Hong Kong CN2 GIA optimized line cloud server evaluation


Published by Lao Jiang on November 24, 2023-105:44:30

There are still many cloud server rooms provided by Leica cloud service providers, such as cloud servers and advanced anti DDoS server products for many computer rooms in Hong Kong, the United States, Japan, South Korea, and China. For Hong Kong CN2 GIA ECS merchants, it is also available. In this article, Jiang is going to record the performance evaluation of Leica Cloud Hong Kong ECS. 1. Machine information CPU uses Intel Xeon series E5-26

Recommended rental of overseas trade business of the old brand secure Amazon Cloud overseas server activity


Published by Lao Jiang on November 17, 2023-112:19:44

In the near future, we should all pay attention to the security failure of a cloud service provider, which leads to the failure of multiple cloud service products and affects the operation of users' products. Moreover, this kind of problem is not the first time. Therefore, companies and individuals who purchase cloud service products in the circle are prepared to seek new service providers or separate some businesses from other mainstream cloud service providers. We can't put eggs in one basket. in especial...

Comprehensive evaluation of performance and speed of Leka Cloud Zhenjiang ECS


Published by Lao Jiang on 2023-10-27 07:21:26

Lycra Cloud is a business founded in 2019. Headquartered in Guangzhou, Guangdong, it belongs to Guangdong Lycra Information Technology Co., Ltd. Its main products include: Hong Kong elastic cloud server, American vps and Japanese vps, Hong Kong physical machine, European physical machine, domestic advanced defense physical machine and American Japan advanced defense physical machine. Recently, it has been launched in Shiyan, Jinhua, China, Chengdu and other high-quality computer room cloud servers and overseas native stations (applicable to cross-border e-commerce

10 Amazon Cloud Service Products Worthy of Free Experience


Published by Lao Jiang on October 15, 2023-15 17:58:37

Nowadays, we prefer mainstream service providers to choose ECS as much as possible, such as Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Baidu Cloud, Google Cloud, Amazon Cloud and other mainstream Internet companies have launched their own cloud service products. Moreover, the cloud products provided by these cloud service providers are relatively complete, which can basically meet our personal and enterprise business applications. We only need to meet most of the cloud business needs in one cloud service provider. Old

Advantages of Amazon Cloud Free Cloud Service Account and Application for Registration


Published by Lao Jiang on October 13, 2023 08:55:22

In the previous article, Jiang has compared Amazon cloud service providers with several mainstream cloud service providers at home and abroad to provide free trial experience for new customers. Comparatively speaking, the free experience qualification provided by Amazon Cloud is quite impressive, no matter the number of free experience products is up to 100+, and the length of time provided is also relatively long. Of course, they also have some shortcomings. For example, they may be effective for our domestic business

Leka Cloud South Korea Cloud Server CN2 optimized line evaluation


Published by Lao Jiang on October 10, 2023-10 11:58:40

Users of Japanese and Korean businesses generally choose Korean machine rooms, and we see that there are few Japanese and Korean service providers abroad, and there are restrictions on their local users to choose. Here, we can find out whether there are Japanese and Korean server products provided by our Chinese people. Here, Mr. Jiang is going to record the evaluation of Korean CN2 optimized line cloud servers of domestic service providers of Leica Cloud. 1. ECS hardware configuration hard disk I/O reading

Comparison of free cloud service experience activities between Amazon Cloud International Station and Alibaba Cloud International Station


Published by Lao Jiang on September 25, 2023 11:12:39

Considering the stability and security of cloud service products, our users also tend to choose old and famous mainstream service providers. Of course, this also lies in the rise of these mainstream service providers. For example, we can see that Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud in China, Google Cloud and Amazon Cloud overseas are all well-known Internet companies, and they also have cloud services. Of course, many of us have friends who need quality cloud business, so we can try our best to stay in these