FriendHosting Tester Day Discount - 30% off VDS for European computer rooms

FriendHosting was established quite early, but it has only been widely known by our domestic users in recent years. The main reason is that this merchant provides more European data center computer rooms, and users who need European foreign trade business will have choices. FriendHosting merchants will launch a tester day activity in September, with a 30% discount for new purchases of VDS and virtual hosts, and a 10% discount for old customers to renew and give a free one month free of charge. If you have friends who need European VDS, you can choose.

 FriendHosting Tester Day Discount - 30% off VDS for European computer rooms

First, FriendHosting tester activities

The activity is up to September 30. If we need, we can follow the activities of new and old customers.

1. New Order

Don't miss ordering VDS or virtual host at 30% discount tday22 Promotion codes to obtain discounts. Please note that the discount is only applicable to the first payment, so it is recommended that you order VDS or virtual host for 6 months to get the maximum benefit.

2. Renewal of old orders

If we already have VDS or virtual host, we can also get some rewards. If you extend your order for one year (10% discount), we will also get one free month. After purchase, the financial department of the work order needs to apply for extension.

Second, FriendHosting VDS scheme


Memory CPU SSD flow bandwidth Price purchase
512M 1 core 5G unlimited 100M € 2.99/month link
1G 1 core 10G unlimited 100M € 4.49/month link
2G 2 cores 20G unlimited 100M € 8.49/month link
4G 4-core 35G unlimited 100M € 17.25/month link
8G 8 cores 70G unlimited 100M € 34.49/month link
16G 8 cores 120G unlimited 100M € 54.99/month link
24G 10 cores 180G unlimited 100M € 74.99/month link
32G 12 cores 240G unlimited 100M € 99.99/month link


Memory CPU Hard disk flow bandwidth Price purchase
512M 1 core 100G unlimited 100M € 2.99/month link
1G 1 core 250G unlimited 100M € 4.49/month link
2G 2 cores 500G unlimited 100M € 8.49/month link
4G 4-core 1T unlimited 100M € 16.99/month link
8G 8 cores 2T unlimited 100M € 34.49/month link
16G 8 cores 4T unlimited 100M € 54.99/month link

At the same time, businesses also provide European computer room virtual host, only the Dutch computer room, which is not a rare product.

Vote for you

Source: Lao Jiang Tribe » FriendHosting Tester Day Discount - 30% off VDS for European computer rooms |Welcome to share (public account: Chiang's circle of friends)

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