DiYunCMS is a CMS program system and its relationship with Xunrui CMS

I have seen many friends who use the DEDECMS dream weaving program these two days. They don't want 5800 to buy a license, and certainly don't want the defendant to infringe. Therefore, the DEDECMS program will be migrated to other CMS before the end of October. So these two days, we have seen that all major CMSs are releasing DEDECMS conversion plug-ins and methods, and at one time we have seen many CMS programs appear.

Today, I saw this Diyun CMS when I was looking for other CMS programs. I saw that he also provided DEDECMS conversion plug-in, but I felt that the interface and LOGO class are particularly like the Xunrui CMS I shared yesterday. The logo and description of the application, including the background of the program and the plug-in applications provided are identical, so Chiang also went to Xunrui CMS to be officially confirmed. This DiYunCMS is an OEM program that is authorized by Xunrui CMS and can apply for independent copyright.

After being authorized by the OEM, you can get the same plug-in download function as the official one. If the OEM dealer provides exclusive templates, extensions, etc., it is also supported. Because these two programs are similar, we will not introduce DiYunCMS separately.

We can choose DiYunCMS or Xunrui CMS according to our own situation. Both functions are the same. They are all free and commercial programs.

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Source: Lao Jiang Tribe » DiYunCMS is a CMS program system and its relationship with Xunrui CMS |Welcome to share (public account: Chiang's circle of friends)

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