Count the N advantages of Amazon ECS (not only free experience but also a full range of cloud services)

We used to choose cloud service providers to find out whether they often encountered server instability, businesses often ran away, or businesses used to excuse themselves to maintain internal failures. Now, with the entry of major Internet companies into the cloud service market, the businesses we choose are much more stable than before, both in terms of technology and product stability. At the same time, with the competition of major server vendors and the strength of these big cloud service providers, we can see that the configurations of major cloud service products are getting higher and lower.

 Count the N advantages of Amazon ECS (not only free experience but also a full range of cloud services)

Of course, there is no denying that all major cloud service providers have their own advantages and user groups. Among many cloud service providers, Amazon Cloud has done enough marketing in recent years, and the low-key development of Amazon Cloud has begun to be recognized by many people. As a business with high global popularity and long history of providing cloud servers, the original share of users in our country is not high, but with the development in recent years, our domestic enterprises and individuals still have more choices in foreign trade business. In this article, Jiang sorts out some advantages of Amazon cloud servers and cloud services.

1. Old service provider

Previously, we had no choice but to choose some cloud service providers from individuals or small companies. For example, we may choose some unstable service providers because of their cheapness, which will ultimately affect the business, including the slow speed of the website, or the reduced ranking of the website, which will cause the business impact more than the cost. As an Amazon cloud service provider, the operating brand for many years, relying on Amazon's global nodes and technical strength, is one of the leading cloud service providers in the world. Compared with the service providers of some individuals or small companies, there must be superior technology and strength.

2. Full range of cloud services

For ordinary users, we may use ECS, lightweight servers and cloud databases, including object storage and CDN. However, Amazon Cloud also provides a wealth of enterprise applications and AI interfaces, which can meet our full range of cloud business purposes and improve work efficiency. Especially in the AI era, we can see that Amazon Cloud also provides a more comprehensive algorithm module. It can be said that as long as we can think of and need to use cloud services, we can find them in Amazon Cloud.

3. Cloud experience of atmosphere

For many of our friends, we may use some cloud service providers for the first time. These businesses also provide free refund services and free experiences. These experience cycles are generally relatively short. However, Amazon cloud service providers provide free cloud servers, permanent object storage and CDN services for 12 months. We can compare cloud service providers across the network. Amazon Cloud should be the service provider that provides the longest range and duration of cloud products for free experience. For basic users, we can use ECS for one year for free.

4. Rich global computer rooms

As one of the global cloud service providers, Amazon Cloud aims to provide global cloud services to help enterprise cloud applications. So we can see that in addition to providing a wealth of enterprise applications, there are more than 20 machine rooms around the world, which can meet the cloud business around the world. For Chinese consumers, we can also see that Amazon Cloud China has two data centers in Beijing and Ningxia. It is also increasing cloud application services for Chinese users.

5. Security assurance service

Amazon ECS provides multi-level security measures to protect your data and applications. These measures include virtual private cloud (VPC), network access control list (ACL), security group, identity and access management (IAM), etc. Amazon ECS provides a wealth of management tools and monitoring services, such as Amazon CloudWatch, which can help you easily manage and monitor the performance of server instances, resource utilization and application running status.

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