17 commonly used regular expression rules (covering most of the general needs)

For non professional programmers, regular expressions are relatively difficult. But in actual use, we can directly apply the existing cases. Here are 17 commonly used regular expression rules, which need to be copied directly.

1. Match Chinese characters


2. Match double byte characters


3. Match blank lines


4. Match email address

 [\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?\.)+ [\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?

5. Match URL


6. Match domestic phone number

 \d {3}- \d{8}|\d {4}- \{7,8}

7. Match QQ number


8. Match China Postal Code


9. Match 18 digit ID card number


10. Match (year month day) date format


11. Match positive integers


12. Match negative integers


13. Match Integer

 ^-? [1-9]\d*$

14. Match nonnegative integers


15. Match non positive integers


16. Match floating point number

 ^[1-9]\d*\. \d*|0\. \d*[1-9]\d*$

17. Match negative floating point numbers

 ^-[1-9]\d*\. \d*|-0\. \d*[1-9]\d*$
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