Wordpress site backup

Wordpress site backup includes two parts, database and site files. Take Baota as an example. For other environments, please use Baidu's method. Thank you. Other backup methods can be understood by Baidu, such as standby


Static and dynamic separation

For WordPress optimization, you generally only need to open a Memcached object cache and a PHP script cache on the original site -- OPCache is OK, and then do a dynamic static separation, that is, to separate js, css, images


Self built automatic access website Favicon icon api

Basically, every website should have a favicon image, which is a small icon displayed on the title bar of the browser. It will be displayed when opening a page or adding a page to a favorite. Download source Github


Page Template

WordPress page template function can help webmasters set various page layouts. Developers can create customized page layouts through page templates, while webmasters do not need to write any code, which improves the user's


Use Poedit software to translate wordpress themes or plug-ins

Most wordpress themes or plug-ins can be localized and translated. Language packs are usually in the languages folder. The file suffixes are. po and. mo. Po is an editable text file, and mo is an editable program


Https transformation of wordpress site

Before installing WordPress, please confirm the domain name to be used, whether https is enabled, whether the prefix www is required, and before installing, please confirm that if there is no WordPress foundation, you can modify the domain name after installing


One is the theme of third-party login - website access WeChat official account login graphic tutorial

First, the theme website accesses the WeChat public account login tutorial. After the OneNav theme is updated, it brings the WeChat public account login function, which is more convenient for many people who have opened WeChat public accounts


Enable object caching for WordPress

WordPress enables object caching and generally uses Redis and Memcached. What is object caching? Object caching involves storing database query results so that the next time


Enable PHP script cache - OPCache

When the interpreter completes the analysis of script codes, it generates intermediate codes that can be run directly, also known as Operation Codes, OPCode)。OPCode Ca…



The optimization of WordPress has always been the work that most webmasters like to do. There are many kinds of optimization of wp, such as: separating static from dynamic caching CDN accelerating object caching dynamic

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