User Agreement

Welcome to the WordPress theme provided by this website. Please read the following agreement carefully before using this website. If you do not agree with any terms of this agreement, please do not use this website service.

1. Definitions

Words or terms referred to in this Agreement shall have their own meanings. Unless there is a different meaning of upper and lower civilization.

2. Purchase and download

After purchasing the WordPress theme provided by this website, users can download the source code on this website. In order to protect the copyright and intellectual property rights of the product, the user does not support refund and return after purchase. Users shall be responsible for the purchased products, including but not limited to the use, installation and maintenance of the products. Users should properly keep the user name and password obtained during the purchase process and should not provide them to a third party for use.

3. Copyright and intellectual property

The WordPress theme provided by this website is the intellectual property of this website and its suppliers. Without authorization, users shall not copy, modify, publish, distribute, sell, authorize or transfer the products of this website in any form, otherwise the intellectual property rights of this website and its suppliers will be infringed, and users shall bear corresponding legal liabilities.

4. Restricted use

Users shall comply with laws and regulations when using the products of this website, and shall not engage in illegal activities. Users shall not use the products on this website to produce, copy, publish, disseminate, store or transmit information containing the following contents:

  • 4.1 Opposing the basic principles determined by the Constitution;
  • 4.2 Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;
  • 4.3 Damage to national honor and interests;
  • 4.4 Incitement of national hatred, national discrimination and destruction of national unity;
  • 4.5 Those who undermine the national religious policy and promote heresy and superstition;
  • 4.6 Spreading rumors, disrupting social order and undermining social stability;
  • 4.7 Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;
  • 4.8 Other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

5. Liability for breach of contract

If any user fails to comply with the terms of this agreement, this website has the right to stop or terminate the user's account at any time and reserve the right to investigate the relevant liability for breach of contract. Including but not limited to: closing accounts, freezing funds in accounts, stopping services, etc.

6. Refusal of Warranty

The products on this website are provided according to the status quo. "If you find any defect in the products of this website, you should immediately notify this website.". This website will repair or update the product within a reasonable time. Although this website has taken reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the products, this website does not guarantee that the results obtained by the products will meet the expectations of users.

7. Force majeure events

This website does not assume any responsibility for product damage, loss or other problems caused by force majeure events.

8. Governing Law

The legal issues arising from the use of this website shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China, and shall not be restricted by its legal terms and regulations. Any dispute arising from this agreement or this website shall be settled through negotiation. If the negotiation fails, a lawsuit shall be filed to the people's court where this website is located.

9. Modification and update

This website can modify this agreement at any time, and publish the modified agreement on this website. Users should pay attention to and read the modified agreement in a timely manner. When the user continues to purchase products or use services on this website, it means that the user has agreed to abide by the modified agreement.

10. Others

If any provision of this Agreement cannot be enforced for any reason, these provisions shall be deemed to be adjudicated, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue to play a complete role.

User statement: I have fully read and understood all the terms of this agreement, and I promise to consciously abide by all the provisions of this agreement.