topic information
Responsive layout
Thematic characteristics
 Screenshot of using WebStack [1]
 Screenshot of WebStack [2]
 Screenshot of using WebStack [3]
 Screenshot of using WebStack [4]
Update log
  1. Fix the problem that the jump failed due to spaces in the anchor
  2. Add English font
  3. Add landing page beautification
  4. Add URL page comment box
  1. Fix the problem of opening after saving, resulting in the loss of options
  2. Add background search to search URL field content
  3. Add background URL list display URL
  1. Change the filing address to the latest
  2. Optimize IE browser support
  1. Adapt to WordPress 5.8
  2. Adapt to PHP 7.2 - 5.0
  3. Repair the failure of the delete icon button when editing the web address
  4. Fix some errors
  5. Add the method of quickly adding icons to the website classification (after updating, you need to add icons again according to the new method)
  6. Modify the URL block introduction to display one line, and optimize the block layout
  7. Replace QR code api
  8. Replace the automatic URL icon api
  1. Fix: Some link jump errors of the site built in subdirectories.
  2. Fix: Close the search box and error will be reported
  3. Add: Announcement module
  4. Add: Friendship link module
  5. Optimization: remove page display from site search
  1. Add: If no introduction is added, the summary will be obtained (if any)
  2. Add: The pop-up prompt of the URL block can be set as an introduction (add a setting item, update the theme, please save the theme settings again)
  3. Add: Add button to delete image attachments on the submission page
  4. Fix: Limit the number of URL blocks displayed on the home page and randomly arrange them
  1. Add: QR code of public account can be added
  2. Add: global QR code display
  3. Add: website details page, website details need to be added
  4. Add: classified archiving page
  5. Add: set the number of URLs displayed by category on the home page
  6. Add: advertising space
  7. Fix: Pseudo static error
  8. Fix: No page turning button on the search page
  9. Fix: Some errors
  10. Update: bootstrap3 to the latest 3.4.1
  11. instructions: View function instructions
  1. Add: dark theme (to be enabled in the settings)
  2. Add: warm weather replaces intimate weather, and self testing and wind loading are faster
  3. Add: Add "Add icon" shortcut entry on the editing website page
  4. Add: lazy loading of icons (to be enabled in settings)
  5. Optimization: URL block adaptation
  6. Fix: The super long menu bar cannot scroll after simplification
  7. Fix: some minor problems after simplification
  1. Fix the medium screen adaptive layout error (iPad, etc.)
  2. Fix that the first line is too classified after the search is closed
  1. Fix sorting errors
  2. Modify jquer to address of Qiniu public database to solve the problem that Baidu database cannot be loaded